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OneForAllOfHumanity t1_jed2gck wrote

If you are invading another country, you don't get to participate in international sporting competition. End of story.


theshogun02 t1_jed32eu wrote

If you are invading other countries then you are NOT a part of the international Olympic Committee. Your presence is against everything the Olympics stands for.


kgro t1_jed42el wrote

Bruh, I see how Russian bribe money is as sweet as the nectar coming straight out of that bee’s ass, but at least don’t make it that obvious. We all can see you


djk1964 t1_jed4qe6 wrote

The IOB ( international Olympic bubble) is obviously not part on the normal world


OneForAllOfHumanity t1_jed4zxw wrote

There needs to be a threshold for conflict to cause a ban. Border skirmishes and internal strife are not the same as mobilizing hundreds of thousands of combatants and invading a country, bombing civilians and kidnapping children. There are valid reason for armed conflict, sometimes it's the government that's doing what it has to do, sometimes it's the rebels that are fighting an oppressive government.

I'm pretty sure that at a minimum, if your leader has been charged with war crimes, you're over that threshold...

(And yes, GW should have been charged too)


User767676 t1_jed971q wrote

“The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.” —Olympic Values per the IOC website.

That statement seems close to the opposite of what Russia is doing to Ukraine right now.


sla797 t1_jed9bq9 wrote

It’s a dead heat between FIFA and the IOC as to which organisation can appear the most deplorable. Any autocratic regime can buy these fuckers. We need to take sport back from the criminals.


interkeyty t1_jed9ewn wrote

China didn't even participate in the Olympics when it invaded Vietnam so that part of the comment doesn't even work lol

China invaded Nepal? Source please.

US invaded Korea as well not to mention the numerous Central and South American countries

America and friends literally boycotted the 1980 Olympics because of the USSR invasion of Afghanistan


macross1984 t1_jedd5r6 wrote

Time have changed.

IOC cannot keep on hiding behind sports and politics are separate and modify that from now on to any country initiating war in the future is automatic suspension for being aggressor.

In the past, US should have been suspended for invading Iraq but of course that did not happen.


saltyseaweed1 t1_jeddl95 wrote

China invaded Korea when it crossed the Korean border and attacked Korean and UN forces in October of 1950.

UN forces were involved in the Korean War until the day of the armistice and did not complete their withdrawal from the peninsula until 1956. So besides being completely wrong, I'm not even certain of them point you're attempting to make.

USSR explicitly authorized NK's invasion of Korea, so not much changed i guess, except they won't make the dumb mistake of boycotting the security council.


Some_Development3447 t1_jedfijk wrote

Isn’t it the other way around? Warring nations but aside their differences for 2 weeks to participate in the games. That was the original intention. Not that I want Russia at the games but literally, that’s what the Olympics did.


saltyseaweed1 t1_jedinss wrote

Nope, it's not an invasion. Do you even know what an "invasion" is? The Republic of Korea had formally requested US military assistance and the two nations had already been allies from before the war. Hopefully your head is not so twisted that you can recognize the difference between an invasion versus a military assistance to help booster defensive efforts against an invasion. I must say, though, my hope there is not very high.

As for China, Chinese military received a assistance from the Chinese government and was a national army in all practical aspect. Are you going to deny that? Plus--and more importantly--the Chinese Army was helping an invader, as opposed to helping a defensive effort against an invasion that NK initiated. Rather a key distinction that you keep choosing to not address.


fatbaIlerina t1_jedkfay wrote

That is a whataboutism and 20 years ago and completely different circumstances. The US didn't target civilians or civilian infrastructure, they had no imperial plans, and they didn't threaten the world with nukes. It was also democracy invading an authoritarian and not an authoritarian invading a democracy.


xxdotell t1_jednyg4 wrote

“It’s deplorable that these governments don’t address the question of double standards with which we have been confronted,” the German lawyer said.

“We have not seen a single comment from them about their attitude about the participation of athletes whose countries are involved in the other 70 wars and armed conflicts in the world.”

I completely agree with him that the olympics should cease until all countries are behaving in a manner that their charter demands: “The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.”


Ambitious-Score-5637 t1_jedrkzg wrote

Deplores views on Russia but, is OK with Taiwan getting the shakedown from China. How do you spell IOC? C. U. N. T.


good_for_uz t1_jedsc2n wrote

Times change, these sporting events are now seen as a sign of acceptance and inclusion...of people willing to live by societies rules. By letting Russia partake we are condoning their actions just as the football world cup was justifying an oppressive regime.

It's a slippery slope and whether you agree or not, by allowing these things to happen other countries become bolder in their oppressive actions.

By banning criminal regimes we are making a clear statement that their actions are not acceptable in the modern world.

This is not the 1950s


VagueSomething t1_jedy23y wrote

The IOC should have been investigated by multiple countries for corruption many years ago. It is a massive scam full of pure corruption, bribes and fraudulent behaviour.

The IOC should be boycotted itself rather than trying to prevent Russia being part of the IOC sham.


RoIIerBaII t1_jee5h2i wrote

FIFA and IOC are the most corrupt fuckers on earth.