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ulmen24 t1_je9i4w5 wrote

Literally all of Biden’s military advisors told him it was ill advised to withdraw and he did anyway. Now the Taliban has control over millions of women. Thank Biden.


Savenura55 t1_jeaoo0n wrote

What was he supposed to do break a treaty the previous president signed ? What msg would that send to other nations ? That the us will break a treaty when they want just because ? Your conservative brain rot is showing.


ulmen24 t1_jeaqptw wrote

Did the treaty include that the military would evac BEFORE the citizens and allies? Here’s a short NBC report admitting the failure . Even my rotted conservative brain knows that you keep military presence until AFTER the civilians are evacuated.

What kind of message would it send? It’s clear that the withdrawal was not successful. American citizens are still stuck there. If you’re saying that the Trump agreement was a “bad” one then the message it would send to other countries would have been “my predecessor made a bad agreement. I’m undoing it because it was bad and this is the right thing to do.”

Again, I am skeptical that Trump promised “I will hastily withdraw everyone in the span of two weeks, first withdrawing the military so that it’s near impossible to protect the only airport. Then I’ll get some service members killed and finically we’ll finish off by leaving Americans and Allies behind and we’ll get the press secretary to spin it as a historic success.”

Who is lying? Two generals testified to Congress that they advised Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. Biden said “military advisers did not tell me to keep troops on the ground past the withdrawal deadline”.


Woodlog82 t1_jedv1q1 wrote

Meh, I would disagree. Can you try not to gaslight and keep to the topic I brought up? Many republicans seem to want to create a country similar to what the Taliban have. So you are yammering on and on about military arguments but seem to ignore that the women's rights situation in the U.S. is quite dire these days.


ulmen24 t1_jee8p04 wrote

Women’s rights in the US is dire? You just said that in a post about a country where women over 12 are not allowed to study. Stop it.