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Lost_and_wandering_ t1_jeapg2g wrote

My dude. The United States’ CIA founded the Taliban as a means of counterbalancing USSR presence in the region.

Literally the CIA gave the Taliban indoctrination materials. The CIA admits to doing this as well.


krismasstercant t1_jebhp7y wrote

>My dude. The United States’ CIA founded the Taliban as a means of counterbalancing USSR presence in the region.

Lol no they didn't, the Taliban didn't even form until AFTER the berlin wall fell, unless your talking about the Mujahedeen. And it wasn't the CIA that founded the Taliban, it was Pakistan's ISI that radicalized, funded, and armed Afghan refugee's and Pakistani citizens so that way when the Taliban took over Afghanistan in the 90's it would be more favorable for them.


Lost_and_wandering_ t1_jecbqh9 wrote

You are going to want to read more thoroughly the details of Operation Cyclone.

Pakistan got the weapons and funding from the United States. Brzezninski admits that the US actions in the region created the taliban.

Read the book Holy Wars Inc. the cia and state department wrote textbooks that encouraged racism and hatred towards non Muslim afghanistans.

The US created the social environment for the Taliban to thrive and also provided their weapons. Almost all of the taliban’s leadership came from leadership positions within the mujahedeen. An organization that was funded and empowered by the US.
