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[deleted] t1_jd0c68v wrote

Ukraine: we desperately need more ammunition now, we use 350,000 shells per month.

EU: we promise to send you a 3-month supply within the next 12 months.

Ukraine: ...


lacumbre_11 t1_jd0ksuz wrote

Was about to ask what does this mean in the grand scale..... oh I see.... not much


Cold_Refrigerator_69 t1_jd1zqox wrote

How many does the EU actually have on hand that isn't their critical supply


Turmfalke_ t1_jd2a2ms wrote

Not many, but more importantly we don't have much production capacity, which is the real bottleneck. A major war fought with artillery was deemed unlikely.


carpcrucible t1_jd27755 wrote

Not many, but we

  • don't need them if Ukraine uses them to fuck russia up
  • could've started the procurement immediately and not waited a year

HappyAmbition706 t1_jd34xbd wrote

To be fair, not too many could predict that Ukraine would still be there 2 weeks in. And Afghanistan was fresh in mind, or South Vietnam.

Production at the rates that Ukraine uses, needs and will need when they go back on offence isn't something that can be kept up during peacetime, nor maintaining the unused capacity to do it when there is not such war or buyers.


VastFair8982 t1_jd4x0nt wrote

2 weeks in? They could have done it 6 fucking months into this thing and this wouldn’t be a problem.


PrrrromotionGiven1 t1_jd2guzx wrote

The only countries that even need a critical supply are the ones bordering Russia

And I guess France probably will insist on reserving some in case of tomfoolery in Africa


IlluminatiMinion t1_jd2dzaa wrote

The EU isn't the only place suppying shells. There are massive amount coming in from other countries too.


Clean_Judgment912 t1_jd2uwlc wrote

Now what is clear is that Ukraine is leading an oldfashioned mechanised all arms war with high ammunition use. The EU tries to help but it is not really the organization to deliver ammo to deliver the Ukrainian demands. It would be much better if some countries like the US or Germany would put some factories up to equip Ukraine.


carpcrucible t1_jd275db wrote


EU: We talked about it for a year while you were dying for your country and

>EU: we promise to send you a 3-month supply within the next 12 months.


[deleted] t1_jd2b2dr wrote



carpcrucible t1_jd2gr8v wrote

How? That's what happened.

Do people not realize that this is literally a matter of life and death? Like, it's no joke. The political will is nowhere near where it should be to achieve the lofty promised goals of securing sovereignty and territorial integrity.


trailingComma t1_jd2mph5 wrote

Do you realise that these are gifts freely given and that spitting in our faces for it isn't a good way to get more?


carpcrucible t1_jd2x8cd wrote

I'm not spitting in our face, I'm pointing out that it took us a year to agree to get started to ramp up shell production. It was clear from the first months that the rate couldn't be sustained. But in good bureaucratic fashion, spent a year doing what exactly.

We can't go to Kyiv to do photo-ops with Zelensky and talk about how we'll ensure Ukraine's security and then not actually take the steps necessary to achieve that. If we aren't actually committed, it's better to push for a ceasefire then.
