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SmashBonecrusher t1_jecdw8i wrote

It ONLY took 'em 600YEARS!....


NoMalarkyZone t1_jedxk6e wrote

Catholic church ; supports a lot of genocide.

Catholic church, 600 years later on a Thursday ; "ooohhh geez guys that was a bad move".


fhota1 t1_jee3avb wrote

For a bureaucracy as massive and as fundementally adverse to change as the Catholic Church, thats frankly speedy


DanTheHammerShultz t1_jed7898 wrote

Right cause all those other religions are having updates


RSquared t1_jedddrt wrote

Hey, the LDS church discovered black people can tithe in 1978.


[deleted] t1_jee9c77 wrote



DanTheHammerShultz t1_jee9gve wrote

Right because insulting a religion/being bigoted towards them right as they are making amends is definitely a wise seasoned move.


EgonDangler t1_jeeanji wrote

They're a pedophile cult. Why are you defending them?


[deleted] t1_jeeay52 wrote



[deleted] t1_jeeb5ji wrote



DanTheHammerShultz t1_jeebna0 wrote

I've studied other religions, as well as attained a bachelors in science. I'm currently studying the philsophers now. You my friend are small minded and bigoted. Have a good day, or a bad one if that's what you seem to prefer.


[deleted] t1_jeebzvl wrote



anxiousfool007 t1_jeedxif wrote

The catholic defender will also make excuses for the Catholic Church’s partnership with the Nazis. You’re trying to fight with a brainwashed cultist.


Version-Easy t1_jeesf7v wrote

to be fair historically the catholic church was fighting for the indigenous communities long before

Pastorale officium in 1537 which excomunicated any one who particiapted in slavery how ever this had to be tonned down due to the spanish king not liking that the weak position of the pope and the last time a spanish army came to italy in 1527 rome got sacked hard , hence Sublimus Dei in 1537

Commissum Nobis in 1638

Pope Innocent XI condemed both the african slave trade and mistreatment of indigenous people

and the many locals like de casas among others who also fought against this to be fair yes other church officials did also actively commit abuses


v3ritas1989 t1_jeebd7d wrote

they just rejected these actions, they are not giving back the land though


SaysaiSui t1_jefb4od wrote

Whoops, then we gotta give everything back! Like right now.


SacrificialPwn t1_jecg8cw wrote

The Catholic Church has become very progressive recently. It takes a lot of forward thinking to acknowledge that abusing people, based on the land they are from, might be wrong sometimes. With this kind of quick change, I think in the very near future, maybe as soon as 2300, they may acknowledge that it is kinda bad for them to abuse children and women in general./s (just in case)


JustHereForTheBacon t1_jecix9l wrote

So did god change his mind, or are they just making up new bullshit again. How do people believe this shit?


SacrificialPwn t1_jectqt4 wrote

I asked and apparently god has been really disconnected the last few years, due to obsessively working on his Community fan fiction


anxiousfool007 t1_jeee49x wrote

The 5G Jewish/Chinese government rays are blocking god from talking to us.


wgszpieg t1_jee8rzn wrote

Look, it's easy to dismiss what the vatican has been doing for centuries as nothing but cynical exploitation of credulous people for material gain...

In fact it's incredibly easy. I wonder why that is


lily_isth t1_jedo8kn wrote

Careful, he can hear you… even in your thoughts…

Quick say you like it. Thank him. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck



Biologyboii t1_jedqf1j wrote

That’s a very ignorant statement on your part and I’m not even religious.


JustHereForTheBacon t1_jee9aib wrote

They claim it’s the infallible word of god, but they’re always updating it just enough to keep ahead of the pitchforks. Ignorance is a lack of education on something, which is not the case for me here. You should look into it. In the end, if they would leave others alone, or be a non child raping organization, a lot fewer people would care, including me. Know who doesn’t bother me at all? Wiccans. Don’t even know where they are or what they really believe.


Xilizhra t1_jeebyvj wrote

Interpretations evolve over time. Faiths need to live and grow too.


JustHereForTheBacon t1_jeecgx5 wrote

Definitely. But if god were perfect and infallible as they claim, and this were his infallible word, it wouldn’t constantly change with public opinion, would it?


Xilizhra t1_jeecoko wrote

God's perfect, we aren't. That's the long and short of it. Faith isn't about rote adherence to dogma; one has to remain open to better ways to approach Her.


JustHereForTheBacon t1_jeecr1h wrote

She is a fickle master ;)

But Catholics do claim they preach the infallible word. They don’t say this is our best current interpretation.


Biologyboii t1_jee9jsz wrote

I know a whole lot more about it than you realize. You’re definitely ignorant.


JustHereForTheBacon t1_jee9qsb wrote

If it isn’t that the pope actually speaks the infallible word of god, then you’re mistaken. Ironic.


Throwaway08080909070 t1_jecd98p wrote

Screw acknowledgement, stopping protecting pedophiles. Stop shuffling them around. Stop insisting that they be dealt with internally and START reporting them to law enforcement.

Show, don't tell, you evil bastards.


johnn48 t1_jedb187 wrote

Do you honestly feel that the Papal approval was the reason that the Europeans colonized non-Christian lands. Britain, who colonized Canada, was the largest Empire in the world, yet it’s a Protestant country. They didn’t need the Pope’s approval, in fact they probably said Fk the Pope. The US Supreme Court enshrined the Doctrine of Discovery, and America’s not a Catholic country. It’s simply used as an excuse for taking the land, clearly they don’t believe the Pope has the authority to tell countries what to do or Henry the 8th would still be married.


Version-Easy t1_jeetirg wrote

not really even for catholics the conquistadors missions was to spread religion to the savages but when the Pope said in Pastorale officium that any one who participated in indigenous slavery was going to be excomunicated the conquistadors complained to the king of spain


[deleted] t1_jef5j0v wrote



Version-Easy t1_jef5ujy wrote

it was one of their rules was before any violence was ensued they most first try to convince the natives to become subordinates to the king and church ie becoming good catholics of course the conquistadors were hypocrites as mentioned above because when the pope told them he did not like what they were doing in the name of the church they ignored /complained


GingeContinge t1_jed8yyk wrote

Missed it by thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat much


nariusone t1_jedbky2 wrote

Now if they come clean with raping kids.


Polo1985 t1_jee0dja wrote

They still abusing natives all through Latin America. They full of shit acknowledging that now. Fucking bastards! Pests!


[deleted] t1_jee99iz wrote



Version-Easy t1_jeet4up wrote

why should the canadian or us government tax the church that means they would have a bigger say the church already dabbles in politics in directly via sermons why on earth would you want to give them more direct influence


autotldr t1_jece3oo wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 80%. (I'm a bot)

> Vatican City - The Catholic Church took a fresh step Thursday in acknowledging abuse endured by Indigenous peoples with the Vatican formally rejecting 15th-century papal edicts that empowered Europeans to colonise non-Christian lands.

> During a trip to Canada last July, Pope Francis faced repeated calls to rescind the so-called Doctrine of Discovery, which was used to justify abuses against Indigenous peoples, mostly in the Americas, who were viewed as inferior.

> In Canada, campaigners drew a direct link between the doctrine and decades of 20th-century abuse of the country's First Nations, Metis and Inuit people at Catholic-run schools - described by Francis as "Genocide".

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Indigenous^#1 people^#2 Vatican^#3 abuse^#4 Canada^#5


redbanjo t1_jeda2rm wrote

So wait, God said it was OK 600 years ago, but now it's not OK? So God changed his mind? Hmmm.


look_it_up69 t1_jef8csg wrote

Yes god has updated the server. Bub keep up with the trend, ohmagawd u ppl.


Ill__Cheetah t1_jedwobb wrote

So are they gonna give all their territorial landholdings in the Americas back to indigenous peoples?


indibidiguidibil t1_jeej9hb wrote

Americans will continue living on those stolen lands while attacking the Catholic Church for enabling colonialism. It's not irony, it's hypocrisy.


Ill__Cheetah t1_jefhctc wrote

im glad you agree that colonial empires should give their land back, you papist lapdog


SignificantDetail822 t1_jege728 wrote

Don’t wish to offend anyone, however I can’t help thinking even as someone who is not a great Church attender that I have to remember to distinguish between what Christ preached and the mess mankind made of his Church.


Wrackandruin t1_jedkhgn wrote

Oh well, there goes the foundational document for every south and central American country.


Mushroom_Tip t1_jedoo1j wrote

In 600 years maybe they will apologize to the African people for telling them using condoms is evil during the height of the AIDs epidemic and millions of children being born with HIV.


kaosvision t1_jeebipb wrote

This comment section is so toxic. Acknowledgement is a pretty important first step and is required to start the conversation about righting wrongs and moving forward. Having recently visited Berlin, the impact of the acknowledgement and reminders of the atrocities they committed in the holocaust would leave no visitor short on the impression that they really fucked up and will never forget so that it will never happen again. The fact that the church is acknowledging it is the first step to evolving this religion into something that fits the reality of our current times.


rpapafox t1_jeeehtv wrote

> The Catholic Church took a fresh step

It doesn't matter how 'fresh' the step is. After 600 years of allowing and aiding the abuse to fester, the stench is still overwhelming.


Blamore t1_jef7kz6 wrote

god is having second thoughts?


DoremusJessup OP t1_jecgy5g wrote

Seems way too little after waiting 600 years.


Comfortable_Prior_80 t1_jedq0g7 wrote

And still they are doing it in North Eastern India and South Asian tribes.


wabashcanonball t1_jedsrp2 wrote

Centuries of abuse and it keeps coming. Maybe evil comes draped in vestments.


zonzo2E t1_jeff3vc wrote

Too late to matter


Blackadder_ t1_jeenv3j wrote

So will those lands be returned to the rightful owners?


Eurocorp t1_jedavx1 wrote

Now if only people could focus more on what churches were much more involved in Canada and America's policies. Of course they're more like rich bloated corpses so it's not exactly that viable.


indibidiguidibil t1_jeej152 wrote

Everyone non-native that lives in America should get the f. off the continent. If they really mean it... i'm tired of hearing Americans cry about colonization when they're the final product of that enterprise.
