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LordPennybag t1_je04eij wrote

Good. That's two apartment buildings spared.


trekie88 t1_je0342i wrote

Doesn't Russia have better things to do than saber rattle with Japan.


Arula777 t1_je15qxc wrote

Just saying, the last time the Russian Navy decided to tangle with Japan it didn't go too well for Russia.


Briggie t1_je411sd wrote

You’re talking about that time they sent a fleet halfway across the world, fraught with shenanigans including almost starting a war with Britain, only for the fleet to be promptly sunk once they got to Japan? Right?


Canadian_Donairs t1_je3d5fi wrote

Russia stole some islands from Japan north of the mainland after WW2 and their ownership of them was never ratified by post war treaties. Russia offered some of the smaller ones back in exchange for Japan to acknowledge the larger ones belonged to them but Japan turned them down and maintains that they're rightfully Japanese.

With Japan building up the (formerly?) JDF and Russia very much with their hands full and their pockets empty it could be that Russia wants to demonstrate a show of force in the area to deter any attempts for Japan to take back their land.

....not that Russia could even hope to begin to support a fight off their eastern coast...but y'know...Russia and optics and shit.

Sure would be entertaining to watch them try though.


ikzeidegek t1_je03zmw wrote

Russia is going full North Korea!


TheDarthSnarf t1_je07922 wrote

Yet another way to tell that Russia is collapsing in on itself.... it starts acting like North Korea. Pretty soon they'll have Russians calling Putin 'Dear Leader'.


al3xandrec t1_je0a5u0 wrote

The Pacific watching Ruzzia throw missles at it: This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!


Razor4884 t1_je1t1wl wrote

It's all fun and games until Godzilla wakes up.


Sunnyjim333 t1_je2pzre wrote

History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man. Blue Oyster Cult


AndyB1976 t1_je068gx wrote

My question is, what did the waters off the coast of Japan do to Russia and NK to make them so angry?


Cat_stacker t1_je0cex7 wrote

That's a good idea in case Ukraine tries to circle around the globe and counterattack from behind.


it_diedinhermouth t1_je0f73q wrote

Bad attempt at diversion?


oripash t1_je0grz4 wrote

A bad attempt at diversion would be if Japan went ahead and sank that thing.


dalerian t1_je29l3r wrote

Surprised they have 2 to spare.


buddhainmyyard t1_je2lmaz wrote

Last time Russia did training exercises they went to war


PrisonSlides t1_je37n7q wrote

Russia doesn’t do actual training, they just send a shitload of people and equipment to a borderland area as a show of force without actually having the know how to do anything competent other than rush a position and try to hold. A neighboring country has to respect that but if push actually came to shove we find ourselves with the situation in Ukraine. Also this is not to take away from Ukraine’s efforts to prepare for this eventual reality as they prepared themselves as best as they could’ve against their foe knowing their moves a couple plays in advance, kinda like chess…


swingingsaw t1_je2kntc wrote

It didn’t work for North Korea and it sure as hell isn’t gonna work for your proven pathetic military


Brownbearbluesnake t1_je2wex7 wrote

How are they describing off Japan's coast? Read the article and the closest you get to a description is that a Russian sub also practiced with the same model of cruise missile in the Sea of Japan earlier in the month. Which means these ships are coming out of the naval base in Vladivostok which is on the sea of Japan.

Unless the missile landed inside Japanese waters I don't get how this is a news story.


Excellent-Wishbone12 t1_je3k05m wrote

Russia is beyond obnoxious.

Bring on NATO.

Russia is the next North Korea. A hermit kingdom propped up by China


agilecodez t1_je48f0p wrote

Getting closer and closer to North Korea each day...


wintervictor t1_je436i3 wrote

Rus: Sorry, forgot to change coordinate after acquired.


Honest_Perception431 t1_je6lrqz wrote

Russian commander: targeting sistem improved 27% we now can hit an ocean