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snakesnake9 t1_je960yv wrote

And for what? They're not defending their homeland against an invader, they're just being sent to the slaughter, or to come back physically/emotionally scarred.


eaglemaxie t1_je93l0c wrote

'Human wave' cannon fodder for Putin ...president since 1999, is why Russia desperately needs enforceable term limits


MisanthropicZombie t1_je9c0vp wrote

Putin reset the term limits a few years back and extended the terms a while before that, allowing him to control the country until 2036.

He is still in power because nobody else has the power to say otherwise.


Ulpian02 t1_jee51v7 wrote

It’s why the quotation marks are more relevant than the word democracy when talking about the RF


Lurnmoshkaz t1_je9tvha wrote

There's no democratic process in Russia regardless of the superficial laws you impose. Term limits are pointless when the country is held hostage by the FSB and their cronies.


littlebubulle t1_jeae69b wrote

If the Russian politicians actually wanted term limits and were able to enforce it, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.


wildfire98 t1_je96uja wrote

All I hear in my mind is: "Unit ready"


this_dudeagain t1_jebjiuy wrote

Unit lost.


MercuryFoReal t1_jec1wc4 wrote

Unit lost.

Unit lost.

Unit lost.

Our base is under attack.

Unit lost.

Unit lost.

Unit lost.

Unit lost.

Unit lost.

Mineral field depleted.

Unit lost.

Unit lost.

Unit lost.


Formerlurker617 t1_je9v8wu wrote

You mean he’s kidnapping 400,000 people at gunpoint and sending them to the front lines to an almost sure death.


ParanoidFactoid t1_jeag387 wrote

No worries! They believe in God over there, unlike pro-Western heathens, so when they die they'll go to heaven. And maybe there will be virgins and such in their afterlife too. Because harps are boring!


Lystar86 t1_je9s9xw wrote

Is 'Recruiting' the correct term here? Are there any people left in Russia that are willing to enlist?

fuck putin.


Ulpian02 t1_jee53t4 wrote

Depends, can your man catchers run faster than the average man?


Value_CND t1_je99s09 wrote

Can’t even equip them, pictures circulating now of Russian soldiers in civilian footwear and rusty weapons.


Lost-Matter-5846 t1_je9ff5t wrote

What's wrong? Is he scared of the upcoming Ukrainian offensive?


Krokodrillo t1_jea2zjn wrote

400.000 more Russians sons are sent to death


Junito24 t1_je9kl6a wrote

Pathetic ass ppl over there! The dudes finna mobilize the whole country and they could careless


bnh1978 t1_jea5nxv wrote

'Recruiting' with extreme prejudice


DJTRENDSETTA t1_jeaug7q wrote

Wonder how you sell this to potential recruits?

It's most likely that you are going to die because there is no time to train you and we do not have the right equipment or food to feed you, but we certainly will buy your family some sausages and some bread when you die, does that sound good to you?


zephyranthesGP01 t1_jea0ozx wrote

"Beware Ukraine! I now send my 400,000 elite HIMARS noises dead soldiers to overwhelm you. Well... Shit."


Zaynara t1_jeb0vcv wrote

in relation to that conversation about a guy who keeps adopting cats that get eaten by coyotes, and they are just feeding cats to the coyotes, this seems like Russia is just letting Ukraine manage russian population control


GjahtariKuq t1_je9h3ao wrote

He can recruit serbs. They are eager.


Stohnghost t1_jeanrv7 wrote

less future men to deal with.


Spodson t1_jebww7l wrote

The word "recruiting" is doing a lot of lifting in that sentence.


Kgbguru t1_jec01s6 wrote

And equip them with what exactly?


bandlaw t1_jec5v0x wrote

Where are these folks gonna come from? He already expanded the draft once right?


AngryCanadian t1_jechxlz wrote

Cool sauce. It took them 20million for the Germans.


worldpeaceunity t1_jectimu wrote

bald dude has no idea what to do right anymore


LibertyPrime333 t1_jed65sl wrote

It's probably a security concern for Russia if they can't muster the ol classic ak-47 human wave formation, which means their military is made out of duct tape if they made the deal with aliens and string. You don't send zerglings one at a time, you mass them and send them all at once


didorins t1_jeds7ty wrote

When you value human life less than the ammunition it takes to kill it.


richdawg_ t1_jedydr3 wrote

Operation human shield!