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coslime t1_je4b302 wrote

Imagine being poor in one of the richest places on Earth and being arrested for it, imo that's wild.

I get that begging is usually associated with a series of problems, but what are you supposed to do if you're actually that miserable that begging is your only option?


>Major General Jamal Salem Al Jallaf, Director of the General Department of Criminal Investigation, stated that the anti-begging campaign has significantly reduced the number of beggars annually, thanks to the strict and decisive measures taken against those apprehended.

It doesn't sound like they're trying to solve the problem, but rather just remove the symptoms, idk


sexylegs0123456789 t1_je7180o wrote

During a time when charity and empathy are expected to be emphasized, human rights abuses and totalitarianism rises. Typically.


[deleted] t1_je3htst wrote



wordholes t1_je3ilow wrote

Have we tried killing all the poor AND lowering taxes?


TheBigNook t1_je3ir17 wrote

Not yet but steadily getting closer everyday

#Desantis2024 /s


wordholes t1_je3ixca wrote

DeSantis 2024: The End is Near!


TheBigNook t1_je3j6qt wrote

Desantis 2024, let’s just get this over with already Jesus Christ


NUMBA1_DRAMA_FARMER t1_je3k29i wrote

>Turns out the worlds biggest democracy is anti-poverty. Somewhat of a trend in western democracies too.

Dubai is an emirate in the UAE. It's not India lmfao?


TheBigNook t1_je3k8g4 wrote

Fml I apologize totally read this wrong/have had like three drinks lol literally no clue how I got this confused with New Delhi

Have a great night


autotldr t1_je3gq3s wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 56%. (I'm a bot)

> In collaboration with the Dubai Police stations, the General Department of Criminal Investigations has arrested 25 beggars as part of its successful anti-begging campaign, launched under the slogan "Begging is a Wrong Concept of Compassion."

> Major General Jamal Salem Al Jallaf, Director of the General Department of Criminal Investigation, stated that the anti-begging campaign has significantly reduced the number of beggars annually, thanks to the strict and decisive measures taken against those apprehended.

> Colonel Ali Salem, Director of the Infiltration Control Department in the General Department of Criminal Investigation, urged the public not to respond to beggars' pleas, show pity or sympathy for their appearance, and assist the police by reporting any beggars immediately through the call centre, or the "Police Eye" service available on the Dubai Police smart app.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: beggars^#1 Begging^#2 General^#3 Department^#4 month^#5


tickleyourfanny t1_je3ke2f wrote

>Al Jallaf added that begging threatens the security and safety of society, properties, and the country's image. He explained that begging is linked to serious consequences, such as thefts and robberies, and the exploitation of children, the sick, and people of determination for illegitimate gains.

he's not wrong.


1ksassa t1_je4is3t wrote

He is absolutely wrong.

This works exactly the other way around.

Thefts and robberies, and the exploitation of children, the sick, and people of determination for illegitimate gains are linked to serious consequences, such as begging.