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psnanda t1_jdn0som wrote

New Zealand trying hard to get onto the world stage lol.

I am sure the worlds second largest economy will totally bend over backwards for a country whose GDP is about same as one of their largest corporations.

But hey, must try!


Grootmeester_Flits t1_jdnd9ki wrote

The fact you deem it necessary to belittle New Zealand shows you know absolutely fucking nothing about international diplomacy.

New Zealand is a member of the UN, so it’s already on the world stage, and is one of China’s largest trading partners.

So, following your logic nobody should be able to voice their concerns to any country more powerful than theirs.


psnanda t1_jdnn1lc wrote

Member of UN ? Yeah so do like 190 other countries lol. Big deal.

I am not saying “shouldn’t voice their concern”.

Its more about “NZ literally and politically isnt important in the APAC region, let alone being important in the global world affairs for China to give 2 seconds of their time to it“ and they know this- so all this is just a grandstanding by NZ politicians to justify their fat paychecks.


Slippi_Fist t1_jdnrg4d wrote

So, the USA still don't float nuclear equipped boats around New Zealand. For how long has that been the case?

NZ is too small to effect anything. Noone will listen to them cos small. Politicians visit other countries just to have a few beers.

god, you're a moron.


chaseinger t1_jdncd8c wrote

> But hey, must try!

well yeah. kinda.

of course china couldn't care less. but since the world knows nz is hugely dependent on china, it's just required diplomatic form to at least say something, and if it's just so their other partners can rest assured as to where nz stands.


Serverpolice001 t1_jdov40k wrote

San Francisco California’s gdp is bigger than the entire Schenzen so if ur gonna talk, be prepared to get sh*t on with facts.


psnanda t1_jdovelt wrote

I live in CA. You’re not enlightening me with “facts”.


Serverpolice001 t1_jdp0jug wrote

It reads more like didn’t know their largest corporations you were referencing are headquartered out of Schenzen did you …


PoopPoopyDoop t1_jdp5st4 wrote

It reads more like you don’t realise California and its GDP is completely irrelevant to the conversation.


Serverpolice001 t1_jdpc4ik wrote

Putting the comparison in context in is not irrelevant. Stop being mad cuz op sounds dumb af


khad3 t1_jdn8cc4 wrote

yeah, this is such a useless grandstanding. Who the fuck cares what New Zealand thinks.


-NO-CO-DE- t1_jdnezvn wrote

New Zealanders care. It is good seeing us stand up to the big kid bully in the playground because lord knows a bunch of the other bystanders won't.


Slippi_Fist t1_jdnrv6y wrote

China cares, quite alot actually.

USA cares, quite alot actually.

Australia cares, quite alot actually.

UK cares, quite alot actually.

Ireland cares, quite alot actually.

Shall we continue?


Baavgai_Khan t1_jdqwew4 wrote

China cares a lot when someone says something they don’t like, no matter how big or small they are


khad3 t1_jdr02dk wrote

nah they don't. just like everyone else.


Baavgai_Khan t1_jdr0bfp wrote

They care a lot when people say Taiwan is a country or when people talk about Xinjiang and the genocide there against the Uyghurs