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Ideon_ t1_jeeetjx wrote

Fixing the clown level of inefficiency at every level of government?


Make life harder for LGBT people?

Hell yeah


LyingCaterpillar t1_jeeu992 wrote

Italy is moving backwards at record speed lately.


GTOdriver04 t1_jef4a0g wrote

Italy is a beautiful place, beautiful people, cars, wine, scenery. But their government is uglier than anything else in this world.


ravioloalladiarrea t1_jegaeb8 wrote

>beautiful people
>their government is uglier than anything else in this world

The government is chosen by the people and is made up of the same people.


MaievSekashi t1_jegee1o wrote

Western "democracy" is hardly actually democratic, it's de facto controlled by moneyed and propertied elites. If you think people actually choose their governments under this system you just bought their line.


autotldr t1_jeeap73 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot)

> The European parliament has condemned Italy's conservative government after it demanded that a council stop registering the children of same-sex parents, in its first move to restrict LGBTQ+ rights since taking power.

> In an amendment to a 2022 report put forward by Renew Europe, a liberal and centrist group, the MEPs urged Italy to "Immediately rescind its decision", arguing that the move "Will inevitably lead to discrimination against not only same-sex couples but also primarily their children" and that it was "a direct breach of children's rights" under a UN convention.

> Milan was forced to stop registering the children of gay parents after the interior ministry said it was up to the courts to rule on such a decision.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Italy^#1 children^#2 party^#3 same-sex^#4 against^#5


wongrich t1_jeg9asi wrote

what happens to children that aren't registered? Are they not able to go to public schools etc? if so, can the parents not fight this bill in court or does the EU work differently? It sucks that these kids are hte ones that take hte brunt of the damage.


[deleted] t1_jeff2oq wrote



Coyote_406 t1_jefhne1 wrote

It’s not an opinion worthy of respect that people shouldn’t have equal rights.

If people wanted to take your rights away are you saying you wouldn’t be angry?


Ambitious_Mousse87 t1_jefjat4 wrote

What rights away? A heterosexual family do not break any standards , and i was raised like one. There is no law stopping lgbt to have or adopt kids. I just don't find it morally right. The way of thinking of a woman or men are very different, so their body morphology. Why i should deprive my child of a mother? Female figure. So u all are saying men and women all look th same, the way of touching, body language and the way to express feeling is the same way? I doubt.

In any case, we live in a free democratic west. I just expressed my opinion, even ifi it is wrong for a lot of people out there.


pieapple135 t1_jefmkzm wrote

The role of mother/father figures in a family does not necessarily have to be defined by sex.


[deleted] t1_jegb4ms wrote

That's fine and well, but you should realise and admit your view is purely based on emotion and not rational.

Children of same-sex parents have equal outcomes:

Why should we defer to tradition and "I think it's icky" if the science clearly demonstrates same-sex parenting is fine?


ArgusTheCat t1_jeghzgo wrote

This literally is a law to stop LGBT people from adopting kids, what the fuck are you talking about.


PAT_The_Whale t1_jefxkdj wrote

"I think black people should be slaves. Why are you mad, it's only my opinion!!"

This is how you sound like


[deleted] t1_jef4y8f wrote



HealthAgitated1788 t1_jefb2er wrote

Yeah, I grew up in a lesbian household and I'm over 30- this is an absurd and uneducated thing for you to say.


Modnal t1_jeg0jkw wrote

No, you're clearly just a fabric of imagination and once I take my meds you will disappear


LoudMuteVoice t1_jef6mcs wrote

> I have never seen a family nade of two women or two men

I have, and they were pretty healthy. Just because you haven't seen it in your tiny, limited experience doesn't mean there's anything inherently wrong with it, and if you're that ignorant, you might as well first ask rather than berate people who just love each other and want to start families.

By the way, the implication in your argument is that a couple having the biological capacity to breed makes them inherently better caretakers, which makes it the clown comment of the day. I guess the day I have children I'll take them to the zoo to make the local monkeys educate them on healthy relationships.


scout_jem t1_jef5lk7 wrote

Honestly this take is atrocious.


look_it_up69 t1_jef7rv0 wrote

What did you expected from a redditor ? They have mastered the art of;







Ohbc t1_jefgj25 wrote

I was expecting a punchline when I started reading it because nobody could actually mean this


mescalelf t1_jefe222 wrote

You respect us? You’ll be telling us that as you slot six shells into your mossberg and blow us away.

And statistics show that children of LGBTQ couples are generally at least as mentally healthy as their peers.


whenthecatmeows t1_jefcy0f wrote

Why would a world full of LGBT people be bad? You need to look into yourself and think about why you're so prejudiced against people who just want to peacefully live their lives and love who they love.


Xeonit t1_jefmt3g wrote

Read again your first question


whenthecatmeows t1_jefo6ud wrote

Okay, I've read it. Here it is again: Why would a world full of LGBT people be bad? Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex people are just that - people. We are complex individuals just like everyone else. Why is it wrong for us to want love and family? Why are we less deserving than you?

If you try to assign value and worth to people based on something as inconsequential as sexual preference, you're narrow-minded and homophobic. Simple as that. Honestly there's no point in explaining why LGBT people aren't bad to a homophobe so I don't even know why I'm trying


Xeonit t1_jeft5ks wrote

The amount of assumptions here is mind boggling, and it shows me and other how you perceive this. Mine was a much simpler, much more stupid comment, because i was nitpicking on the word that you used. But if you prefer to see everything and everyone as an enemy i couldn't care less, good for you


LoudMuteVoice t1_jefosbt wrote

I'm someone else, and there's nothing wrong with it. Fuck off.


Xeonit t1_jefsvqz wrote

Hello someone else, we can fuck off together


Coyote_406 t1_jefhamt wrote

Even if there was any validity to your bizarre IVF tangent, Adoption is a thing.You’d rather kids live in foster care their entire life than with a loving couple wanting to provide a good home to them? Sounds like you want to punish kids.

Additionally, most gay people grew up in straight households. Why are they gay then if the influence of your parents shapes your sexuality?


Frustrated_Moonman t1_jegcxuf wrote

God, read a fucking book.

Having gay parents won’t make you gay. You know how I know? because if that were true, there would be no gay people, we come from straight parents. Because the biology of your parents has no bearing on your orientation.

You know what has a bearing on mental health and the happiness of a child? Whether their parents are loving and supportive, or if they’re not - like you, or my parents were.

And at the end of the day, this has no impact on your life. It doesn’t concern you, so butt out. Your personal beliefs aren’t important when they affect the happiness of others. You aren’t important.


jizz617 t1_jefzvfo wrote

You get the dumbass of the day award


ManatuBear t1_jefw85k wrote

Science has evolved... 2 males and 2 females can procreate now (not humans yet, but eventually even humans). Maybe the world should evolve to accommodate a constantly changing world instead of being stuck in medieval times.


ladthrowlad t1_jef7thz wrote

Well, that's what science is for. If it can be shown it doesn't have a negative impact on the child- then opinion ('do you really think..?' ) statements are meaningless. FFS, the Prime Minister of Finland was raised in such a family and you know.. she is the youngest person in Finnish history to hold the office and a political icon. Just one example.