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Adhdbanana t1_jebceqq wrote

Well, the 400m USD yearly would be the answer. You'd agree America needs to stop that funding to the ANC? Like why would they want our dirty money.


OrangeOk1358 t1_jebphmj wrote

Most of which are given to US pharmaceutical companies that provide HIV medication and research labs. An insurance policy to ensure that a new deadlier variant of HIV doesn't appear in South Africa and spread across the world including the US. Edit: Its the same reason Western nations are still supplying South Africa with Covid vaccines and encouraging booster shots just in case a new strain of Covid pops up such as Omicron.


Adhdbanana t1_jebuir0 wrote

The point is russia can take that position over along with team BRIC. I would hazard a guess that there are other countries that could make do with the same beneficial aid package. Why would the US aid a country where the ANC outright stated putin would not be arrested. With that same amount of money marked as humanitarian aid for a country like Ukraine in a 10 year span we are looking at 40b USD to rebuild their infrastructure, housing, PTSD treatment, etc.

At this point I encourage all fellow Americans to write their reps and point out this fact and see if we can make it end. If BRIC is your future, good luck.


CautiousMeet7592 t1_ject5wq wrote

Why the hell do we have to pay for ukraines reconstruction? We have our own issues here.