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Big-Fruit330 t1_jede6kg wrote

Isn't the whole fact that north Korea is starving that they wanted out from under the Soviets and didn't want an outside connection for their people. seems like a good way to bring their system down when they realise they would be better off and less hungry with contact with the outside world


hanr86 t1_jedqlw2 wrote

I doubt anyone is going to question the government no matter what it does. Kim rules with an iron fist, sad to say.


Big-Fruit330 t1_jee1vt0 wrote

Well you say that but every year people flee that country as it is


hanr86 t1_jeeqzit wrote

Yeah people KNOW the government sucks. They all do. They just cant do anything about it except try to flee. It's been the same for decades.


Big-Fruit330 t1_jeevi4f wrote

I agree with you . Seems like some people question the wee big man words