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OraclesPath00 t1_jecjkfu wrote

Mmmmmm, it's funny you said that. I was very lucky born into the family I have. They stressed morality and a duty to help others if you have the means. Not for a pat on the back or for show in social circles. And it has allowed me to see the side that hasnt been cultivated for a public audience. The wealthy elite use social media to divide the public and create ghost enemies all the time. They have an army of people they pay to come here on reddit and look for key words. Then they start commenting to try and start fires and separate discussion of a VERY clear focused operation to keep that divide wide. How do I know? Because I have people in that world and have been around others who do these things. There are even rules in the wealthy class where you are required to remain silent on the things I speak of. Nothing I previously wrote out is wrong and in fact it's very accurate. So anyone reading this who is a earnest person...ask yourself who is making those comments that try and counter or get you to iqnore what I said....because it is those same people who have created this corrupted system. And they dont want everyone getting together as one team of the many vs the 100 millionaire and billionaire few. The past is a map to this cycle...we need to start showing them for the last time, they arent in charge


Card_Zero t1_jedqd57 wrote

Do you also claim that the wealthy elite are involved in covering up non-human intelligence visiting from another reality, or is that an unrelated group?


circ_le_jerk_69 t1_jecqpmn wrote

> How do I know? Because I have people in that world and have been around others who do these things.

and then everyone clapped?


OraclesPath00 t1_jecyu6t wrote

Nope. Mentioned it for the crowd who scream "how would you know?". I dont associate with that side of my family much anymore. What's funny though is someone like yourself who avoids the important points of what I'm saying to make some stupid wishful zinger that does literally nothing to contribute to this huge problem society is reason they get away with the wealth transfer is because of the bucket of crabs concept. You would be one of those people who cant stand others overcoming something, so you sabotage them and yourself....and get stuck in that bucket. Maybe next time if you have to make some attempt at a joke, you could make it more like yourself and it should be tip marks


circ_le_jerk_69 t1_jed05px wrote

I just thought it was funny how you were making up a story about how you have wealthy acquaintances who pay armies of people to post on Reddit. You have a fanciful imagination I must say. Not too different from the Pizzagate people.


mukansamonkey t1_jedzz07 wrote

Lol you think rich people can't afford media campaigns? A couple of wealthy right wingers own Fox News and a group of related propaganda sites, explicitly founded with the goal of lying to the American public. To protect right wing politicians. And you think a guy who makes a billion dollars a year is somehow incapable of hiring a few people to post on Reddit?


Oxon_Daddy t1_jee5ua9 wrote

Whether or not what you have said is true (and I don't think that it is, but we can assume that it is true for the sake of argument), it is an obvious case of whataboutism.

The article concerns allegations that China is extending loans to low-income countries that they cannot service and using their debt to exert influence over them.

That analogies can or cannot be drawn about the relations between elite and proletariat classes within nations does not address, and merely distracts, from the subject of the article.

If elite classes are oppressing the proletariat as your comment implies, that is bad; but that is not a reason not to address credible allegations that China engages in "debt trap" diplomacy to influence impoverished nations.