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AndrekinKimawa t1_je4248j wrote

Well... If they have a busy schedule, that makes sense. Should they walk? And it wasn't like everyone took own jet it was ride-sharing.


Electricbell20 t1_je4p3vv wrote

They can easily plan better to allow commercial flights, better yet they could plan not to use air travel at all or at least minimise it.


Darhhaall t1_je545f6 wrote


"The decision to travel to Egypt by private jet was made after no commercial flights were available to return Michel to Brussels in time for duties at the European Parliament,"


Ok-Durian5594 t1_je5xejt wrote

No, they shouldn't travel at all. It's XXI century. We have fast Internet and such meeting can be done online.


PanemEtMeditationes t1_je45xoy wrote

Yeah, that makes sense for the typical hypocrite politician. It's not that we can pretend they would plan their travels in advance.
