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ArmChairAnalyst86 t1_je2m5i6 wrote

As an American, I am always shocked by how many people justify their own ugliness and hate by pointing to America. If nothing else, America's hypocrisy gives you a nice big red bow on your casual suggestion that 330 million people dying would be a nice thing in a currency thread. Funny how hate works isn't it?

Bad human behavior is bad human behavior. Use whatever enemy real or imagined necessary, but if you're so open with your own hate, you're no better. You're just another savage with a different flag, or maybe the same one I don't know.

Clamoring for nuclear annihilation of anyone doesn't make you better. It makes you worse. America won't fall, though. Entering into an era of war will only further serve American interests. Death by 1000 cuts was doable in times of peace, but in a time of war, good luck. Whether it's oil, gold, or otherwise, a desperate America will be happy to take it off someone's hands with not so much as an apology. Won't that be fun? The only way to beat her is from within.


kimchifreeze t1_je2q5b4 wrote

If nuclear war only affects the US, then there's no reason for other countries to be concerned then. Just freely drop nuclear weapons to solve all your problems. No externalities whatsoever!!


ArmChairAnalyst86 t1_je2tgd1 wrote

Of course, nuclear war doesn't happen in a vacuum. I'm not implying its a realistic scenario. I'm just shocked at the hate and hypocrisy of people who hate America's hypocrisy. I also wonder what their leaders are like? If they are any more or less corrupt and greedy. What would it look like if they held the same power and reach? Everyone thinks the world would be so much better off, but be careful what you wish for. They may just find that the US isn't the source of all their problems and inequities.