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CheMGeo_136 t1_iuby7g1 wrote

Just imagine being born in Somalia and getting, like, raped in your preteens or being brutally mutilated by gangs and there's a redditor somewhere on this planet thinking that it's your fault just because you were born in Somalia instead of US or Canada.


[deleted] t1_iubyicm wrote



CheMGeo_136 t1_iubzuzq wrote

It seems like you don't fully know how authoritarian regimes work and how state of constant war affects society. You do understand that you're basically mocking other people for being born into dictatorship and poverty? Like, you've actually done nothing to establish current regime of your country. Your ancestors did this, not you. You are but a random combination of two gametes born on a right soil with comfortable political and economic conditions. And it all also can change in the future because I'll be damned if you don't know how often it changed in the past. Were people born in USSR and repressed by soviet regime deserving of their punishment? Is it okay if people were executed by Maoist soldiers because these people were born in communist China and therefore it was their choice? Like, they could've been born anywhere else, but they've decided to be born in communist China. Was it also an obligation for Jewish people to better themselves during Hitler's reign?


--Gungnir-- t1_iuc0mss wrote

>It seems like you don't fully know how authoritarian regimes work

Since my family helped kick an authoritarian regime, excuse me, an EMPIRE off of their territory and create a NEW form of Government, I would say I do have a little understanding.

Don't start with semantics, it's nobody's fault but the Somalis for how they have ended up and it's THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to change that. No other nation is obligated to do so.

Done and Done.


CheMGeo_136 t1_iuc1oij wrote

So it's again all about "my ancestors did X" despite you having no relation to their deeds whatsoever, just being lucky to win the right genetic combination. And I assume all my previous questions are answered in the same tone – all these people were deserving of their deaths and genocide because they "refused to better themselves". Good day, Sir.


Brave_Reaction t1_iuc9akg wrote

Also it’s hilarious when Americans think they invented democracy.