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EBZ1722 t1_iubzfyr wrote

As it always does. Places like this aren't worth the life of even one NATO soldier.


Shaxshaxshaxshax t1_iuc7q5f wrote

Seems like the CIA and US military doesn't agree with you considering they're the ones who started this

>In the summer of 2006, the ICU would expel an alliance of Somali warlords funded by the American Central Intelligence Agency and became the first organization to consolidate control over all of Mogadishu since the collapse of the state in 1991.[5] The six month period that followed is commonly heralded as the most stable and productive era Somalia had seen since the outbreak of the civil war up to that point.[2][6] Residents of Mogadishu were finally able to move around the city without fear of attack, the international airport and seaport would be opened for the first time in over a decade, a massive rubbish clean up campaign was started and there was a significant reduction of arms on the streets.[7][4][8]

>The reign of the Islamic Courts Union would be ended during the final days of 2006 by a U.S. backed Ethiopian invasion.[9][10][11][12]

And now here we are, still fighting the remenants of the ICU. Nato seems to think it's worth it to dug it out because they haven't lost too many. In time the US will lose some and they will either get bored and leave or get scared like in Afghanistan and leave.


EBZ1722 t1_iuc8tdm wrote

I don't control the CIA or the actions of national governments, I'm just a guy. In my humble opinion places like this are not worth losing even one of our soldiers. They will be fighting and murdering each other until the end of time over tribal and ethno-religious disputes.


Shaxshaxshaxshax t1_iuc99eh wrote

>They will be fighting and murdering each other until the end of time over

This is not true considering your goverment and military invaded and attacked these people after they choose their leaders

Read again what I wrote.

>In the summer of 2006, the ICU would expel an alliance of Somali warlords funded by the American Central Intelligence Agency and became the first organization to consolidate control over all of Mogadishu since the collapse of the state in 1991.[5] The six month period that followed is commonly heralded as the most stable and productive era Somalia had seen since the outbreak of the civil war up to that point.

This stopped because of the US

>The reign of the Islamic Courts Union would be ended during the final days of 2006 by a U.S. backed Ethiopian invasion.

The first civil war was over 1997. Between 97 and 06 the ICU were in charge. The US decided to attack them. These people had no choice the matter.

It's seems like I'm talking to a wall.


EBZ1722 t1_iuca1th wrote

Ah yeah if only they kept Islamic fundamentalism I'm sure things would be peachy. Their country is barely even a country, there are enormous tribal/clan tensions in Somalia that predate any western intervention. I couldn't care less if it's warlords running the country or Al Shabaab, it's none of our business.


Shaxshaxshaxshax t1_iucbbk8 wrote

>Ah yeah if only they kept Islamic fundamentalism I'm sure things would be peachy.

From what we have seen it was. That goverment was much more stable and stronger than the current american puppet goverment (TFG) And those weren't fundamentalist at all. Muslims can't form their own goverments without being attacked and invaded in their own country.

Anyway most of the ICU would later join the american made TFG

The only reason the US invaded is because the ICU deported the CIA backed warlords.

>I couldn't care less if it's warlords running the country or Al Shabaab, it's none of our business.

I mean the Al Shabab formed because most of the leadership in the ICU died or joined the puppet gov. Only a handfull of dudes in AS came from the ICU. And they died in 07. To confuse AS and ICU is being ignorant for the sake propaganda and continuing a fight the CIA started. The CIA themselves still don't know if ICU have any links to Al Qaida. Which leads me to believe that it was bs from the start because their groomed warlords got deported and they needed a justification to invade.

Anyway you will believe what you want. But now atleast you can't claim ignorance. Somalia doesn't need american/nato intervention. It was the americans who came back to Somalia. Not the other way.


EBZ1722 t1_iucc011 wrote

At least we can both agree that western boots should never be setting foot in Somalia.


kindnesshasnocost t1_iucekyi wrote

Reading your comment history is wild my man.

You are a fascinating creature!

You also ignored every salient point made to you in this comment chain.

I am definitely saving your profile. Can't wait to see what your mind comes up with next!


EBZ1722 t1_iucf82s wrote

Cool story 👍🏽


[deleted] t1_iud0g7f wrote

Borders aren’t walls and ideologies and governments that are ignored will cause problems for us later down the line. Issues in Somalia spill out to their neighbours and somewhere along the way western interests are directly threatened

Geopolitics 101

It’s not about who’s ‘worth saving’ but frankly under the same economic and political circumstances I’m sure American would act even worse


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iuc7r75 wrote

Somali Civil War

>The Somali Civil War (Somali: Dagaalkii Sokeeye ee Soomaaliya; Arabic: الحرب الأهلية الصومالية al-ḥarb al-’ahliyya aṣ-ṣūmāliyya) is an ongoing civil war that is taking place in Somalia. It grew out of resistance to the military junta which was led by Siad Barre during the 1980s. From 1988 to 1990, the Somali Armed Forces began engaging in combat against various armed rebel groups, including the Somali Salvation Democratic Front in the northeast, the Somali National Movement in the northwest, and the United Somali Congress in the south. The clan-based armed opposition groups overthrew the Barre government in 1991.

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