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aham_brahmasmi t1_itcfybj wrote

China can do the same thing with India. All those rivers that flow into Pakistan from Inda originate in China.

Edit: Who are those kool aid drinking idiots that are downvoting. China diverting rivers that come into India is a cause for concern.


CRimson9943 t1_itch7ci wrote

My state have 44 rivers, and china would not able to do shit about any of them, same with many other states as most of them depends on rain....... But I guess there are some truth in your words


Ivanow t1_itcr4et wrote

India is too big to get bullied around by China, but countries downstream Mekong have terrible issues due to China building and filling dams.


aham_brahmasmi t1_itcwbo4 wrote

India has aspirations. But it isn't big enough yet. What can India do is China does begin to divert rivers entering India? China isn't someone that listens to diplomacy.


Ivanow t1_itcwnoc wrote

This is the same situation as Ethiopia/Sudan. They almost went to war over this - the only reason conflict didn’t turn hot was because Susan didn’t have technical capability to deliver enough ordinance over such large distance to blow dam up.

India is more capable.


Early_Two7377 t1_itcxsq3 wrote

You don't know about the brahmaputra river,

It originates in China there known as the Tsang po,

But the one that reaches India, 80 percent of that water is added by tributaries flowing in india, so china daming the brahmaputra would only mildly inconvenience us.

The indus or the other hand, is another story,

The ganga thankfully originates in india though


Various-Way-7219 t1_itcssy3 wrote

But those rivers are not getting all their water from China. Infact most of India and Pak's river get there waters in monsoon season which comes in India and Pak not china.


aham_brahmasmi t1_itcvro9 wrote

They why complain when China was going to build a dam across the Chinese side of the Brahmaputra?


closetbimbosissy t1_itcyu0e wrote

It’s a concern. Not a grave threat. Because if Chinese plans to divert it all it’s gonna be a risk for them to. There can be flash floods during peak monsoons.

And building dams will always weaken the foundations and most likely lead to earthquakes. And that region is a highly unstable region. So risk goes both ways if they do things unplanned they be playing with fire.


Various-Way-7219 t1_itd1rir wrote

Because China can always use it to cause flood??? Everything is not about water shortage.


Catch_10101 t1_itd1a2m wrote

When you have an inconvenience of 40 % it's still a inconvenience