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blorpianblorp t1_iuircap wrote

Moldova should just reintegrate with Romania. The whole region was split from Romania by the USSR and they would be a member of EU by going back. Not only that but it would be a nice big FU if they rejoined Romania and dropped any and all Russian language from their schools, govt etc...since it was forced onto them by USSR in the first place.


Substantial-East5781 t1_iuis0zx wrote

As a citizen from Moldova, who has been living here for 22 years. Honestly, unfortunately, it won't happen in the near future


dcorey688 t1_iuit85c wrote

what would you say is the average Moldovan sentiment towards Russia currently?


Substantial-East5781 t1_iuj8qtm wrote

in the country there is a very large population of Russians who are pro-Russian, also the autonomous region of Gagauza( Turkish ethnic people) in the south is also pro-Russia. the Moldovans/Romanians are divided ,but the majority (perhaps 65-70%) are for union

From what I have observed, there is not a very big difference between age or rural/urban

( I don't have statistics, just what I notice around me)


Successful-Grape416 t1_iuiwbtj wrote

I'm not the person you're asking, but there is clearly a substantial group of Moldovans who consider Moldova a separate country and have no interest in changing that. Frankly it will never happen, nor should anyone push for it. Let them have their own identity and government.


blorpianblorp t1_iuiyv8t wrote

The vote for fully supporting of a Reunification as of 2021 on most surveys was almost split evenly.

The narrative that Moldovans shouldn't reunify is strongly pushed by Russia more so today than ever. And remember those surveys which were 40-50% in FAVOR were done in 2021 before Russia invaded Ukraine...I reckon that number is only going up if you took the same survey today. Unless of course the population has swallowed the Russian propaganda...which I doubt as that country has proven itself to be weak and resorts to civilian punishment when losing.


Successful-Grape416 t1_iuj6xnj wrote

I find it surprising you would seriously try to argue that a country that is split, or even close to split, should endure some kind of push for reunification. After everything we've seen with this sort of situation, you actually want to go that route.

My family is from there, I'd love for that dysfunctional country to fix itself and join Europe, but my god is it a stupid idea to force their hand and pretend like it's part of Romania again. Just because they mostly speak Romanian.


SardScroll t1_iujcw8t wrote

Over fragmentation is not a desired outcome either.

Some people are very invested in their culture, family history, ethnic or national roots, etc. And others, like me, couldn't care less.

The question is, what is gained by joining by a specific political organization (be that a nation state, supernational governing body such as the EU, a mutual protection pact such as NATO, etc.) and what it costs, and make the decision based on that.


Sketti_n_butter t1_iujhqd1 wrote

If they don't want to become part of Russia again, they need to reunite with Romania. They need to think about their long term political and economic future. Lukashenko already revealed that Russia has eyes on Moldova. If they don't take a stance now while there is peace, Romania might not be interested in Moldova being apart of their country if that means they have to go to war with Russia for it.


-wnr- t1_iujfitl wrote

What happens to Transnistria in that scenario?