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[deleted] t1_iuedxm0 wrote



Rent_a_thug t1_iuepyjb wrote

I swear the anti China rhetoric on Reddit has gotten Qanon levels of hysterical. You really expect China to have any reaction other than “serves you right motherfucker” over the death of a Japanese imperial apologist like shinzo Abe, or just Japan in general who has committed stomach churning atrocities against the Chinese and hasn’t offered so much as an apology or even an acknowledgment?


[deleted] t1_iuer7dx wrote



Rent_a_thug t1_iuevekm wrote

You think China should be grateful for Japanese investments? That has been china’s economic strategy: to use the greed of capitalist nations against them. If anyone should be thanked for it it should be the modern CCP.
Mao’s “glass half full” comment has nothing to do with this. He was just saying there was a silver lining to the Japanese invasion. Also Japan had been pacified at the time and was under US rule. Mao wanted the support of the Japanese people against the US. Obviously XI, the leader of China, isn’t going to make any disparaging remarks about another national leader, but the Chinese people were pretty pleased with the assassination. If you’re trying to say that imperial Japan and the CCP are on the same level you really need to get off Reddit and de-propagandize yourself


[deleted] t1_iuf0xvo wrote



Rent_a_thug t1_iuf86q3 wrote

Yes that’s exactly what I said. China is outsmarting a flawed system. Saying the world made China is like saying the consumers made apple what it is today, not Steve Jobs. So because of the atrocities Germany committed against the Jews, they ended up with Israel. Does that mean the Holocaust was not that big of a deal? What’re you even trying to say? The CCP doesn’t want to antagonize japan but it still propagandizes it’s people to be against japan? Huh?

Ok I just read your username and I realize I’ve been trolled


IncognitoGuy666 t1_iufikbg wrote

"Let's see what South Korea will help me with next."


Splatter_1 t1_iuf3wnf wrote

Just like he mourns all those that were killed to harvest their organs.


Pogayed t1_iufwa1s wrote

> China’s Xi Mourns Over 150 Victims Of South Korea Stampede

Yeah right. Flak him.
