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itsFelbourne t1_iu1k5j5 wrote

Even if this was true, it would mean that Russia is just playing into the trap and could easily avoid this scheme by just... fucking off out of Ukraine and ending the war


xELxSCORCHOx t1_iu24p9f wrote

In a sense it is true. The values of the West would like for everyone to have the fundamental freedoms like a free society, choices on how to live their life, individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Pewtin and fellow autocrats think that they should have absolute power and decide who gets what, when and how. It kind of is about different philosophies having dominion.


DeeHawk t1_iu3ecbr wrote

Exactly. It's what Russia refers to as "satanism". How else are you going to make individual liberty sound like something you don't want.


Avakayi t1_iu3m5tm wrote

I'm pretty sure British and French colonizers were saying same BS stuff that you are saying here.


xELxSCORCHOx t1_iu4gh5t wrote

Is it apples to apples at a time when colonizers are wildly unpopular? Russia trying to colonize Ukraine…and England/France basically saying that action is evil.


Avakayi t1_iu4hdzh wrote

I'm talking about the justification you are giving to west's world domination about how they are doing it for World peace or better standards of life. Not everything that West tried to help by domination even in recent times is heaven on earth best example is the Middle East and places like Afghanistan and Vietnam. Colonizers are widely unpopular? They are always unpopular depending on whose side of history you are looking at.


Rikeka t1_iu1iqun wrote

He speaks as if Russia was some sort of impediment for western culture and economy, some sort of rival.

No. Russia is a bug. A nuclear bug. But a bug.


squirrelnuts46 t1_iu1x3nf wrote

Yeah he truly believes he is a big player when in reality his biggest "achievement" was inheriting nukes.


Venusaurite t1_iu2ppdl wrote

Dude always tries putting Russia at the same level as China and India when talking about a 'multipolar world', when both those nations have 10x the population as Russia.


TheMrRyanHimself t1_iu3irym wrote

Probably 6x the population since he just obliterated most of his male population.


picado t1_iu1hmc9 wrote

This has to be for Putin's own supporters in Russia – he can't expect anyone else is going to buy it.


DonDove t1_iu1qpm5 wrote

And a siren song for people who love his strongman bs outside of Russia


DynoMiteDoodle t1_iu1jfiv wrote

The west has global domination, Putin was trying to gain global domination by invading Ukraine.


FVBATofficial t1_iu1lmn9 wrote

Putin was trying to gain regional domination at best lol. Ukraine offers nothing for anyone seeking global domination.


DynoMiteDoodle t1_iu1n78y wrote

He would control the cereal and grain supply for half of the planet. With climate change causing food security issues, having control over food distribution is a massive deal, also his original plan was to include Moldova as well as his near allies Turkey and Hungary. If he had been successful in Ukraine, the security situation would look very different


FVBATofficial t1_iu1oi7q wrote

Ukraine does not produce anything close to half of the world’s grain. Ukraine produces about as much as Pakistan does. Ukrainian grain fills a cheap grain niche in the market for some of Europe, which has already been mitigated, and only really impacts extreme improvised regions of Africa. Russia produces twice as much grain as Ukraine does, and even if you added Ukrainian grain to Russia’s supply it would still not be a worldwide issue if it were cut off from the world. Russian ambitions of invading NATO nations would never materialize. If Russia takes Ukraine it would certainly change the Regional security picture, but it would not be a worldwide issue whatsoever. Russia already controls the only strategic piece of land in Ukraine, and has since 2014 when the war began and it has yet to be a worldwide issue.


doublestitch t1_iu1tdie wrote

You need to look at exports, not just production. Ukraine was the world's fifth leading exporter of wheat in 2021. Pakistan wasn't even in the top 100.

Population has something to do with that. Pakistan has 225 million people; Ukraine has 43 million people. Pakistan is producing for domestic needs; Ukraine makes a surplus.


FVBATofficial t1_iu1ua9m wrote

I see that graph, I also see that Ukraine only contributed 8% of the worlds supply which is nowhere near the “half” originally claimed by Dyno, and is not anywhere near a worldwide issue number especially considering that the nations above and below Ukraine are capable of filling the slack by increasing production, again factoring in Russia.


doublestitch t1_iu1vrch wrote

You'll have to take up that with Dyno. I've joined to fact check your assertions. You wrote,

> even if you added Ukrainian grain to Russia’s supply it would still not be a worldwide issue if it were cut off from the world.

What the stats at that source show is Russia is currently neck and neck with the United States for the top spot with slightly over 13% of the export market. As things stand Russia gets the top spot by a hair; if it succeeds at taking over Ukraine then Russia would be the clear leader gaining control over more than 20% of the international wheat trade.

And Ukraine's wheat production is chiefly in the west and south of the country--which is what Russia is trying hardest to control. (Crimea

> If Russia takes Ukraine it would certainly change the Regional security picture, but it would not be a worldwide issue whatsoever.

That's a sweeping claim. It doesn't look like the data bears it out.


FVBATofficial t1_iu1yzo5 wrote

Russia has controlled Crimea in it’s entirety for 8 years now.


doublestitch t1_iu1z8px wrote

It's difficult to believe you're writing that in good faith. That's a red herring.


FVBATofficial t1_iu1zg5q wrote

How is that a red herring, that is directly applicable to the comment it is in reply to, and important context to remember that this is soon to be a 9 year old war, not a new war.


DynoMiteDoodle t1_iu1q8se wrote

Yea, I said he would have control. You didn't add up the total of his influence in a world where he won.


FVBATofficial t1_iu1rmac wrote

Again his total influence would be regional at best. And even then he’d still have less grain than Western Europe so he’d really only have marginal influence over Eastern Europe.


[deleted] t1_iu1oaah wrote



FVBATofficial t1_iu1p61i wrote

Brother wtf are you talking about? You think that the global computer chip supply comes from Ukraine?!?!? Lol


[deleted] t1_iu1q90a wrote



FVBATofficial t1_iu1rfpn wrote

A material that goes into the production of the machines that makes chips had its supply temporarily interrupted is what that article says. That is a different thing from what you said. You should learn to read, although I apologize if English is not your first language. Further reading would also tell you that Ukraine has no monopoly on those resources.


[deleted] t1_iu1tdnl wrote



FVBATofficial t1_iu1twyc wrote

You must not understand economics. Those industries exist there not because of a monopoly on resource, like say oil producing nations, but because that is the most efficient place according to the markets. There are plenty of other places capable of filling the gap. Your statement that Putin would control the chip supply is patently incorrect, as if he took the resources and niche that Ukraine holds other nations would simply fill in the gap. This is not like 1991 where Saddam controlling Kuwait gave him a serious percentage of the worlds supply of something.


calmdownmyguy t1_iu1yo47 wrote

Neon is dispersed evenly throughout the atmosphere across the entire planet. You could set up a factory on a desert island and produce neon. Opec controls the oil market because the oil is within their territory. Neon is everywhere.


kenlasalle t1_iu1nhkh wrote

Sure, the country who didn't invade Ukraine is always more at fault than the country that did.

Because it's Opposite Day!


Doctor_Loggins t1_iu1vawm wrote

This post gives me Sterling Archer vibes.


kenlasalle t1_iu30gsw wrote

That was totally by accident. I didn't see it when I wrote it but I totally see it now. Thank you! I needed that!


thedeathmachine t1_iu28ujc wrote

Putin is just pissed he's a terrible leader and all the progress Russia has made over the past few decades was a lie. He's pissed you can't achieve supremacy with threats and lies and is just throwing bodies and the issue thinking it will solve anything. Dude is a moron and an ancient relic of a more primitive time.


[deleted] t1_iu1nm0e wrote

In what drug induced, alcohol influenced, alternate reality does this prick live in?


Aspwriter t1_iu2q4z1 wrote

>In what drug induced, alcohol influenced, alternate reality does this prick live in?



I-Have-An-Alibi t1_iu1pdy5 wrote

Pfffft, like we'd need Ukraine if we really wanted to take over the world. We already have a McDonald's in like every god damn country.


gwdope t1_iu1szit wrote

Not Russia, anymore.


I-Have-An-Alibi t1_iu1vzdc wrote

That's too funny.

Good thing they got out before Putin nationalized and seized the secret sauce.


wastingvaluelesstime t1_iu25mz9 wrote

Yeah, we just want to hand out delicious fried food and milkshakes. Resistance is useless.


[deleted] t1_iu2rhxl wrote

And Microsoft. They can take a country down without trying.


MonkeysJumpingBeds t1_iu1m60n wrote

Technically they dominate the globe, the global economy is pegged to the dollar.


Em_Adespoton t1_iu1hzw0 wrote

Hey Putin: why are you encouraging global domination by the West by attacking a neighboring country?


KUB3R29ER t1_iu1j676 wrote

He sent the invitation to fuck his 4th class so called army up, didn’t he? Be careful what you wish for small man!


notcho_nugget t1_iu1k31p wrote

Has he run out of people to fall at the windows.


PlayMoreExvius t1_iu1mrc8 wrote

Yeah what’s the problem? Free people everywhere from tyranny.


Admirable_Nothing t1_iu1nsvn wrote

This time the 'West' actually just wants all violent asshats to stay inside their own country and leave neighboring countries the Hell alone.


Jaze_ca t1_iu1rg20 wrote

He equates the US as being distinct and solitary. What he fails to say is that EVERY DEMOCRACY hopes for world wide DEMOCRATIC domination.


QiBoo t1_iu27x0s wrote

The reality is the West simply had to sit back and let Putin and his game of croons self-destruct.


crankbaiter11 t1_iu2ly2u wrote

Commitment escalation. He got all bent out of shape and did a dumb thing. He can’t back out now. It’s really too bad bc Russia was on a great path to inclusion and normalization. For some reason, Putin didn’t see this as a good thing and decided to send Russia back to 1935. It will go down as one of the biggest blinders by a leader ever. The only silver lining might be the acceleration toward alternative energy. He is the catalyst.


TigersNeedKings t1_iu1m4wd wrote

Something tells me that’s something they seek


ScouseRaffa t1_iu2669n wrote

Putler says west wants global domination but since WW2

Russia invaded Chechnya twice, Russia invaded Ukraine twice, Russia invaded Georgia, Russia invaded Syria, Russia invaded Afghanistan, Russia took land from Moldova and Russia talks about invading Europe and global power.

Maybe Putler has dementia

How long until China gets bored of Russia and goes to war with them? China can't get Taiwan because of US support so China could take back the land Russia took from them. Greed has no boundaries and both leaders are greedy to stay in power.


Iamhere459 t1_iu29jvs wrote

>Putler says west wants global domination but since WW2 > >Russia invaded Chechnya twice, Russia invaded Ukraine twice, Russia invaded Georgia, Russia invaded Syria, Russia invaded Afghanistan, Russia took land from Moldova and Russia talks about invading Europe and global power.

Then have a look at how many countries the west invaded since then. That list is nothing compared to the US alone


[deleted] t1_iu2rcmp wrote

The US has invaded quite a few countries but not to gain territory.


Iamhere459 t1_iu2updu wrote

>The US has invaded quite a few countries but not to gain territory.

Instead to cause instability and to install Western supported governments. And if they don't do it they will just do a Venezuela on the country. Don't act like the west doesn't want global power.


Kronik95 t1_iu1ok7y wrote

We already have global domination you potato headed cunt.


ChrisTheHurricane t1_iu1otna wrote

Ah, so that's where Jimmy Dore got his talking point from.


Curahlo t1_iu1p8la wrote

Says the guy that started the war


Ohgetserious t1_iu1pccr wrote

I have to think even Trumpers are starting to stop believing this crackpot.


Rooboy619 t1_iu1rk95 wrote

He has contradicted almost everything he said.


fliberdygibits t1_iu1rkkx wrote

This is like the 4th or 5th time in the past few days I've seen "Putin claims...... fill in the blank" and every one of them seems as if he's just blaming HIS horseshittery on the rest of the world every time. Can he just trip and fall out a window already?


Wolfy_Packy t1_iu1tn0v wrote

> The Nazi masters of Germany have made it clear that they intend not only to dominate all life and thought in their own country, but also to enslave the whole of Europe, and then to use the resources of Europe to dominate the rest of the world.

-Arsenal of Democracy, FDR

sounds eerily similar to me. replace certain words with Russia and whatnot and you have it


Netfear t1_iu205n1 wrote

I just want people to stop being murdered needlessly.


Kyaw_Gyee t1_iu2h909 wrote

You are saying… West is using Ukraine to use you to attack Ukraine to lose the war with Ukraine? My god..! Poor Putin.. being used by West..


JhymnMusic t1_iu2hqw2 wrote

Totally. He caught us.


Teamnoq t1_iu2khqy wrote

That was our plan the whole time! Get Russia to attack a country unprovoked so we can take over the word! How did they figure it out?


DadaDoDat t1_iu2ypq8 wrote

Kind of like how putin wanted domination of Europe by using Ukraine?


Ivanthegorilla t1_iu34rfs wrote

china also wants to take over parts of Russia, to be continued


Divinate_ME t1_iu3b59e wrote

Who is "West" in this case? You have to be more specific, or I need to assume you're talking about Ye.


3dio t1_iu3hodt wrote

Putin claims the world is made of cheese