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Applejuiceinthehall t1_iuk17yo wrote

We don't really know when the feedback will trigger right now the likely range to trigger feedback/tippinqg points us 2.5-4 degrees.

So yes could happen at 2.5 but might not.

Additionally, even though this report is negative, if you looked at the predictions from the early 2000s, we are doing better than expected.

We want to be realistic but also not nihilistic. Nihilism is just as dangerous as denialism.

Russia is kinda forcing a lot of countries to become more energy independent, and that will require renewables and nuclear


BeefPieSoup t1_iukaaxx wrote

As I understand, according to the IPCC there's credible evidence that at least 5 of 16 identified feedback mechanisms/tipping points have already been triggered, and things are in fact happening much sooner than expected.

This isn't "nihilism", it's just what the international organisation of scientists studying the problem have actually said in their latest official report. What's dangerous is taking it less seriously than it ought to be.


Devadander t1_iuk2srz wrote

We’ve already triggered feedback loops and quite frankly need to be carbon negative at this time.