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Feyle t1_itbxjku wrote

How is this relevant to the issue in the article?


Historical_World_327 t1_itcgx8r wrote

It's causing delays in the admin side on admitting patients causing backlogs also causing bed blocking on the discharging of patients it's basically causing chaos from start to finish. It's also revealing the distrust between staff as pay gap details, failures of departments and staff disciplinarie meetings are being leaked to the media. Hence the uptick in news on delayed tratment, waiting times, staff sackings, miss treatment of patients and bedblocking being more prevalent.


Feyle t1_itci1kt wrote

>It's causing delays in the admin side on admitting patients causing backlogs also causing bed blocking on the discharging of patients

Do you have any evidence of this? I am aware of the issues reported in the article where the problem that you are mentioning was not involved.


Historical_World_327 t1_itck64z wrote

Yeah it's not mentioned but you have to understand the embarrassment to the NHS even in this post below you can see the frustration of NHS staff at the amount of viruses on the computer and how they don't work (due to the hacks).

I am not going to claim I have evidence as but let's just say I know how it's done... So basically in the UK there is NO crime by walking into someones home if the door is unlocked it would be considered trespass which is a civil offence so for example I'm aware the member of NHS boards of directors and staff are being targeted whereby people walk into there homes via unlocked or open doors (easily done during the summer heat when people leave doors/windows open) then computers being left on or documents left laying around are being photographed for info (for example login details of computers or id cards can be taken/cloned to open doors in hospitals). It's not against the law as such to photograph sensitive documents if they are left in view.

Edit: Also viruses like key loggers are being put on laptops and so on.


Feyle t1_itckz6a wrote

>even in this post below you can see the frustration of NHS staff at the amount of viruses on the computer and how they don't work (due to the hacks).

Are you referring to the joke about the screen being blue?

>I am not going to claim I have evidence

Ok. So there is evidence that the events in the article are happening for other reasons. And you don't have evidence for your claim.

I'm not going to deny that the NHS compute systems get hacked but to imply/claim that this is a significant reason for the delays seems like misinformation at this point.


Historical_World_327 t1_itclizd wrote

I totally unders why you don't believe what I have wrote but it's true. I'm also not referring to the blue screen I'm referring to the comments from dtaff about the computers having viruses and so on.

It's not misinformation but it's also not the only reason but it's a significant part.


Feyle t1_itcmdj9 wrote

There is literally 1 comment using the word "virus" and it's part of a chain joking about the blue screen.

>It's not misinformation but it's also not the only reason but it's a significant part.

I wonder if there's any analysis of the various factors affecting patient admission times.


Thanks for this link, that's more what I was asking for. Though it's not directly evidence of your initial claim.

My experience with hospital admissions in a&e is that it's mostly other factors and not issues with the computer systems. But I don't have the information to state how much impact these hacks are having.


Historical_World_327 t1_itcor71 wrote

It is a joke about the blue screen but does have elements of truth.

I'll leave the conversation here as it's run its course but I also repect your views. Your experience is very true and mostly it is other factors but it's not the only factor and but my experience also shows the hack side and it's still extremely significant and I am aware that it's very concerning to the security services and the NHS. The NHS is extremely vunrable and regardless if you believe what I have wrote I'm aware that there is more to come but like I said I respect your views and reasons for being unsure or questioning what I wrote here. I am just a random in the internet and your concerns about the legitimacy of what I have stated are valid.