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FeckThul t1_iu0gqnf wrote

Who’s talking about rape? The whole “trans rapist” line is almost exclusively a disingenuous and bigoted talking point and I never raised it.


jojorood t1_iu10x4b wrote

I mean, making women vulnerable to rape is the fake issue that politician was quitting over, and England/Scotland/that whole part of the world lives in deep fear of bathroom ambush predators suddenly being a thing if they stop clinging to their dated bullshit


Grig134 t1_iu0hi0y wrote

Well what are your concerns? Your post was intentionally vague.


FeckThul t1_iu0i28l wrote

These aren’t my concerns, I’m not a woman and never had to fight for things like a safe space for my gender, and I won’t pretend to speak for them. I’m familiar with the debate however, which usually centers on rape crisis centers, gender-segregated accommodations on trains, and similar situations. The concern isn’t about assault, and frankly I think the concerns are overblown, but as I’ve said… my experience in life is profoundly different from a woman traumatized by men. For me there’s no problem accepting trans women as women, but again, I have the privilege of having no baggage with AMAB people.


Grig134 t1_iu0ilo2 wrote

Lol, good to know you don't have any concerns. Odd that you decided to comment anyway.

> I’m familiar with the debate however

Yes, the debate is to vaguely allude to trans people being rapists, attempt to ban them from shelters, and then backtrack if called out. I too am familiar with the debate.


FeckThul t1_iu0iszx wrote

It’s unfortunate that you’re ignoring 99% of what I’m writing in favor of sentence fragments and whatever you believed coming into this.


Grig134 t1_iu0j8ma wrote

You quoted a section of the article saying there were concerns with the law. When asked about it you said you have no concerns and don't know what they would be. You're so obvious disingenuous it's hilarious.


FeckThul t1_iu0jnji wrote

Believe it or not, acting in bad faith because you assume I must be too is not really the basis for anything constructive.


Grig134 t1_iu0kljg wrote

Then make a point. What are your "concerns"?


FeckThul t1_iu0kxmt wrote

When did I say that I have concerns? I quoted an article in which people who are not me expressed concerns, I can’t read their minds.


Grig134 t1_iu0m8kt wrote

> I can’t read their minds.

But you can read their statements. This is a "destruction of women's rights" according to JK Rowling, one "concerned" individual mentioned. You did read the article I'm guessing because you managed to quote part of it.


FeckThul t1_iu0mg5p wrote

JK Rowling can blow it out of her many gaping sphincters, and the existence of transphobes like her doesn’t invalidate the concerns of women who aren’t scumbags.


Grig134 t1_iu0mqec wrote

What are their concerns then? Obviously, if you look for people "concerned" with this law, you'll find transphobia.


FeckThul t1_iu0nvdv wrote

Do you believe that the only people you’ll find if you look for women concerned with this law, are transphobic women?


Grig134 t1_iu0nzub wrote

I've repeatedly asked you for evidence to the contrary.


FeckThul t1_iu0o3wa wrote

You’ve asked me to prove a negative in relation to your assertion, and I’ve declined more than once. Still you’ve answered my question in a way I suppose, and it’s a clear “yes.”