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Throbbing_Furry_Knot t1_iu668st wrote

Hopefully we get a mild winter and none of that happens. There is so much stored up gas in europe that can also be used by the UK, and so much LNG readied, as well as increased domestic production and storage in the UK now.


Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_iu66z0t wrote

>domestic production and storage in the UK now

The UK has some of the lowest levels of gas storage in Europe at 9 days and again all these gas companies are privately owned and can sell to Europe at a higher price or force the UK to pay a lot more than if they were state owned.

Theres also no guarentee the rest of Europe will sell any of their stored gas to the UK or at least massively over charge them so most people wont be able to afford it.

Even if we have the gas to not cause a blackout the poorest people might be forced into one due to not being able to pay the bills.


totalbasterd t1_iu7lm0x wrote

the first two paragraphs of your message are largely completely untrue


Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_iu98d0v wrote

Go on then MR FACT CHECKER, how many days of gas storage does the UK have, and how many private vs public gas companies are there?