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Thisfoxtalks t1_iu3z1n1 wrote

Remember when Russia said they weren’t going to invade Ukraine for the 2nd time? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


kalysti t1_iu3xv4h wrote

As if anyone outside of Russia believes much of anything their government says. Not even their allies.


Arkane-Light t1_iu3yrub wrote

From the article:

"The US and its Western allies on Thursday dismissed Russia’s claims that banned biological weapons activities are taking place in Ukraine with American support, calling the allegation disinformation and fabrications.

Russia’s U.N. ambassador said Moscow will pursue a U.N. investigation of its allegations that both countries are violating the convention prohibiting the use of biological weapons.

The dispute came in the third U.N. Security Council meeting on Ukraine-related issues that Russia has called since Tuesday. This one focused on a 310-page document that Russia circulated to council members this week alleging there is “military biological” activity in Ukraine with support of the U.S. Defense Department.

The document includes an official complaint to the council, allowed under Article VI of the 1972 biological weapons convention, and a draft resolution that would authorize the Security Council to set up a commission to address Russia’s claims.

Russia's allegation of secret American biological warfare labs in Ukraine has been disputed by independent scientists, Ukrainian leaders and officials at the White House and Pentagon.

An Associated Press investigation in March found the claim was taking root online, uniting COVID-19 conspiracy theorists, QAnon adherents and some supporters of former President Donald Trump."

When even QAnon and MAGA support theories obivously made up by the Russian Terrorist Regime it is 100% fake and made up by the Kremlin itself.


chopper90 t1_iu401q2 wrote

Better headline would be:

"Russia claims there are bioweapons in Ukraine, no evidence given"


rpapafox t1_iu3zi11 wrote

Russia should know, because they are the ones that put them there.


autotldr t1_iu444na wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot)

> Ukraine does have a network of biological labs that have gotten funding and research support from the U.S. They are owned and operated by Ukraine and are part of an initiative called the Biological Threat Reduction Program that aims to reduce the likelihood of deadly outbreaks, whether natural or manmade.

> "The United States does not have a biological weapons program. There are no Ukrainian biological weapons laboratories supported by the United States."

> British Ambassador Barbara Woodward told the council that since Russia's Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine it "Has repeatedly spread disinformation, including wild claims involving dirty bombs, chemical weapons and offensive biological research."

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Russia^#1 Council^#2 biological^#3 Ukraine^#4 weapons^#5


Nononononein t1_iu4fkxd wrote

the west could also say Ukraine is not building a Death Star and Russia would disagree


EskimoeJoeYeeHaw t1_iu4jx78 wrote

Remember that time Russia claimed there were biolabs under the azovstal factory? Well they've had control of that territory for some time now and we have yet to hear a peep about these "biolabs". Maybe it's because they or any of them don't exist.


Professional_Day2626 t1_iu7kyu9 wrote

I think russian expect the covid as biological weapon, maybe putin also got covid when he decide to invide ukraine


dontsheeple t1_iu7vq7c wrote

The headline should read "Russia distracts from its illegal invasion and crimes against humanity with more bull crap"


Sim_Daydreamer t1_iu5pqvq wrote

Maybe, they found some camamber cheese?