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No-Ask7043 t1_iuft7q3 wrote

It’s a bit more complicated because it’s a division of the Iranian military, and labeling them all (and previous members) as terrorists doesn’t allow for the necessary diplomatic outcome most countries (especially western) would prefer to direct confrontation with Iran- almost no one wants that. Canada recently imposed targeted blacklisting of the ING leadership (and more) which seems more effective in the big picture (if the big picture is Iranian regime change, which is the only pragmatic outcome, and what most of the West and their allies want). The last thing you want to do here is isolate or radicalize low level conscripts if the goal is regime change through a domestic uprising (which is currently the best hope). Real Polik, and supporting the citizens against their authoritarian theocratic government is a million times preferable to direct confrontation with the Iranian regime. War with Iran will make the Iraq war look like a walk in the park.


MadDjinn t1_iufz6pr wrote

Slightly more complicated is that Canada has listed the IRGC-Qods force as terrorists for years.

It’s actually odd that the rest isn’t considered a terrorist organization, given Hezbollah (in Lebanons government) is listed as such.

Distinguishing the IRGC from the regular military, and the President/government from the Clerics, is a solid path forward to define the problems in that country.


Culverin t1_iuh1tyi wrote

What's your take that Canada should be doing? I can't do much to shape the world,

But I would be happy to give my MP an earful if you point me in the right direction.


Seriksy t1_iuhf0tc wrote

The US can just activate the Stuxnet and shut down the Iranian infrastructure. They probably have it lying there dormant as they did before they wanted to test it out some years ago.


Double_Ad_2824 t1_iuhtiny wrote

The same infrastructure that's required for the protests? That seems counter intuitive, especially since the Iranian leadership will probably claim responsibility and name it a consequence/punishment.