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Beechf33a t1_iujzrst wrote

Why don’t they go to the Dominican Republic? It’s next door to Haiti and they share a land border.


PaterPoempel t1_iukauz8 wrote

The Haitian Empire invaded and tried to conquer the DR a few times and since then, there's a bit of bad blood between the countries.


xman747x t1_iuk3csf wrote

The White House National Security Council is asking the Department of Homeland Security what number of Haitian migrants would require the U.S. to designate a third country, known as a “lily pad,” to hold and process Haitian migrants who are intercepted at sea and what number would overwhelm a lily pad country and require Haitians to be taken to Guantánamo, according to the document


OllieGarkey t1_iujxla3 wrote

Honestly, verify their refugee status and then send them all to Florida where there's a local creole-speaking population, and send DeSantis a "Play stupid games win stupid prizes" letter.


Harley-Quinn5636 t1_iujyh70 wrote

Wholeheartedly agree, they probably already have family down here (like me 🙋🏾‍♀️) or if they don’t, they’ll form a new one with the HUGE community down in South Florida.


OllieGarkey t1_iujzaxk wrote

That's probably true! Also, Haitians are awesome. More Haitians means a ton of new businesses and economic growth and there's already a super vibrant community that can welcome them and help them get settled. And it'd make DeSantis angry.

(Also, y'all's food is awesome. Pumpkin soup is as amazing as it is symbolic.)

Fuck that guy for playing games with (in the cases involved) legal immigrants. Man should be in jail for defrauding them and engaging in human trafficking as a political stunt.


PaterPoempel t1_iuka9qi wrote

>that can welcome them and help them get settled.

There's a limited capacity for that. If too many are coming at the same time, they can't be integrated and you are just creating a Haiti 2.0 .


PatClassic t1_iuk5tud wrote

You can fuck right off. The massive influx of immigration in Florida is beyond controllable and it is because of fucktards like you that actually run the country that it has even become an issue in the first place. Send them aid, make sure said aid doesn't fall into political corruption hands and help them rebuild. Why is it so hard for people to understand this. Ffs.


Dawnfreak t1_iuk7hkt wrote

And Illegal immigration solved just like that. Congrats Patty


PersimmonSuperb t1_iuk6wzc wrote

What specifically is being affected in Fl? Seems like cracking down on migrants have made things more expensive with less people wanting to do menial labor. I grew up and lived in FL all my life and Haitians and other migrants made FL work.


psyon t1_iukb0bd wrote

You don't think he would just send them somewhere else?


Professional-Can1385 t1_iuk3zxm wrote

>and send DeSantis a "Play stupid games win stupid prizes" letter.

Migrants are not a punishment!

It would be better to send them to a state that cares about migrants and can help them make a life for themselves, not leave them to poverty.


perriertardis t1_iuk4rpb wrote

Too bad migrants like everything else in the US are just another political chess piece


ThornsofTristan t1_iujzvel wrote

I'll take "Doubling Down on the Stupid," for $600, Alex.


migidymike t1_iuk27zl wrote

Is Haiti even a habitable land mass after all the hurricanes and the earthquake?


isawagoose t1_iuk60wl wrote

No, it's not. Why do you think everyone is trying to leave?


TSL4me t1_iujwmz2 wrote

Its sad how every country avoids haitian migrants more than anyone else. Racism is illiegal but somehow this is viewed differently.
