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skyderper13 t1_iuhr2ni wrote

i suppose with nk missles, there's actually a good chance that'd it would've hit japan and not the giant ass ocean next to japan like they intended


Arkane-Light t1_iuhrhtt wrote

That is one hell of a problematic issue when we think of it.

Japan attacked by NK--America intervenes--North Korea and China get together--World War.


skyderper13 t1_iuhrnze wrote

i half think china might be tempted to just write off nk at that point, because they really aren't worth it, but i know better than hope for that hah


Arkane-Light t1_iuhs2iw wrote

Wishful thinking but I like it

The sad truth is that now China's dictator Xi has consolidated his role as supreme leader and whatever he says is law, he has reinforced the rhetoric on the "China will take Taiwan" a lot in his last speech so it would be wise to say that China will be an issue for the world soon as Russia is.


musashisamurai t1_iuhwfuh wrote

There would probably be a back channel communication and promise that the US woukd never station or deploy over the 48th parallel, the current border between North and South Korea. China wouldn't like that the new united Korea would be a powerhouse but united Korea is less likely to be pro-America as much so its a wash.