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astar48 t1_iu7mbw9 wrote

I will go with the guy who thinka the prevailing academic Silos are a problem they always are. We got the war on drugs and it took seventy years to start to unravel this effect this includes prohibition of research by threatening colleges with total funding halt if anyone with them did private research in the topic.

It is possible that with useful research we would know how to respond to addiction issues effectively.

Anyway, we know of a specific mutation that causes common learning issues. This one happens to be know to be gender related is it impossible that this might be associated with blood type which does have a practical association with a proxy for "race".

The problem is historically people like Bell were doing their research to get to a particular result, even if the data did not go there.


Eyespop4866 t1_iu8pbxd wrote

I remember Murray’s work from when I was a kid, and a professor talking about “ bad truths “. He didn’t believe the research to necessarily be correct, but believed it could only have a negative impact.


astar48 t1_iu9dzsw wrote

I think your professor is right. But bad truth sounds a lot like forbidden knowledge. But I had to look up Murray to know who he was. So i am out of my depth. But my position is lamarkian so I am definitely among the heathen..