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Icy_Reception9719 t1_iu8asc9 wrote

Could you link a research review or something elaborating on the scientific consensus you mention? This is the first time I've heard someone being categorical on this topic, but it's not exactly an area I'm familiar with.


Lvl100Centrist t1_iu8ca0b wrote

Bell Curve - An extremely popular best seller. Yet we are told that this kind of books are forbidden. This is done in bad faith.

The Mythical Taboo on Race and Intelligence - yet the "race researcher" mentioned in this post is inventing imaginary oppression. - there are no separate or distinct "races". A "race" is a sociopolitical classification, not a genetic or biological one.

Measure the "intelligence" (a difficult thing in itself) of groups that cannot be objectively defined is destined to fail.

Also: Race is a social construct


ABinturong t1_iu8wf46 wrote

The dummies downvoting you need a time out, thanks for the sources!


Lvl100Centrist t1_iu8yxpw wrote

I am used to it. People pushing these race & intelligence narratives are almost always vicious authoritarians.