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Substantial-Owl1167 t1_iuay62z wrote

That's what any leading superpower is about


wintiscoming t1_iub2phu wrote

Dude we literally propped up their government in 1980s. First we sold billions of dollars of weapons to Saddam Hussein. We supported him as he attempted to invade Iran immediately after their revolution. Then we decided we should send billions of dollars of weapons to Iran so that we could weaken both Iraq and Iran.

Not only were we supplying both Iran and Iraq with conventional weapons, we (with the Brits) also delivered chemical weapons to Iraq. Saddam gassed Iranian civilians and soldiers as well as Kurds and Shia Iraqis.

This war lasted 8 years and over a million people died. Instead of fighting against their oppressive government Iranians were forced to rally behind them to defend against Saddam. Then they suffered such terrible casualties they were in no position to do anything, Plus plenty of people were radicalized because they were literally fighting a holy war in defense of their country.

The US doesn’t give a shit about innocent people in other countries, they want to secure their own interests. Sometimes it works out like in Ukraine but more often than not we just hurt people. We arrange coups against democratic elected governments and support genocide.

Through international financial institutions like the IMF and the World bank, we fund corrupt leaders and help them sell their government assets to private companies. We helped fund Yeltsin in Russia after the collapse of the USSR and he sold out his nation to the Oligarchs, leading to Putin.

I’m not saying that the US is the source of all evil, we’re just the most powerful country so we have tremendous influence. Most countries are only able to commit atrocities within their own territory, like China is doing and the USSR did.


Substantial-Owl1167 t1_iubit3j wrote

dude you sound like you smoke too much pot and get all your worldviews from the Joe Rogan podcast

Shit happens, it isn't all just one big conspiracy
