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theassassintherapist t1_iuis3y4 wrote

You make it sound like trying to prevent thousands from dying in dense cities is a bad thing. Lives are more important than the economy.


attackofthetominator t1_iuiswn6 wrote

If lives were important to the CCP they would've taken the western vaccines instead of their mediocre off-brand version.


theassassintherapist t1_iuj071p wrote

Just this week, 2,649 Americans died to covid. Last week, 2,591 died. And that's with the "superior" western vaccine and sparsely packed cities.

Which means even with better vaccines, the death in China could be tens of thousands per week if they were to lax restrictions. How is that even remotely acceptable?


Wild-Thymes t1_iuj2elk wrote

May I ask among those 2649 US fatalities, what are the percentage of the unvaccinated?


theassassintherapist t1_iuj3zgd wrote

No, you may not. You're going to have to ask the CDC that.


Wild-Thymes t1_iuj77gl wrote

From the cdc page you provided , 7.3% of the deaths were people with booster shot. Meaning, 92.7% of the people who lost their lives were those who either did not have access to vaccines or did not take the doses as recommended.

in your previous comment, you said that the US had high fatalities even with western vaccines, which was supposed to be “superior” (your word). This official statistics shows otherwise.


SentientHotdogWater t1_iuj59u9 wrote

>Lives are more important than the economy.

True, but surely they could just use mRNA vaccines and re-open just like every other country on the planet at this point?...


theassassintherapist t1_iuj63fc wrote

America is still looking at 2k+ deaths weekly even with mRNA vaccine and sparsely populated cities. Triple the population and pack the cities tighter and the weekly death count suddenly don't seem that acceptable.


SentientHotdogWater t1_iuj70jb wrote

COVID deaths in the US and the rest of the world are overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated (

If the goal was truly to reduce deaths why not import mRNA vaccines in addition to lockdowns? Would that not logically be the best decision if all they care about is keeping the death count down? Why keep out the most effective vaccines?


MoodApart4755 t1_iuishxc wrote

They’re leaving so they don’t get locked in the factory for an indefinite period by authorities


[deleted] t1_iuit828 wrote

You've got to have the worst public policy team on planet earth to believe 100% lockdowns and 0% tolerance is going to do anything after looking at the data. Covid is here to stay, and locking people inside does absolutely nothing when you live in a globalized economy with open trade borders.


Dapper-Award4395 t1_iuj3xgy wrote

Unfortunately the lockdowns just delay the issue. COVID is endemic. It's here to stay.


Substantial_Camera_8 OP t1_iuisgqq wrote

You cant lock down forever,

its proven that COVID will be with us

How about vaccination their population?