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_SpaceTimeContinuum t1_iub0xfb wrote

Vertical farms will be a necessity for our survival as climate change starts destroying farmland and drying up water sources.


[deleted] t1_iub5pan wrote



Blondefarmgirl t1_iud87ms wrote

They destroy fertile farmland to build their greenhouses then throw alot of food away. They add to pollution they burn whatever they can to heat as cheap as possible such as bunker oil. They add to light pollution. They are not a good solution.


isleepinahammock t1_iucnhnt wrote

Indoor? Yes. Vertical? Not so much. There are a lot of gains that can be made by moving to indoor farming, but there's no reason to make that indoor space a tall multistory building. Indoor farms are something for single-story warehouses on cheap land on the outskirts of cities, not tall skyscrapers in the middle of a downtown.


king-of-boom t1_iudunjb wrote

I found this quote interesting. Min-max'ing the stats to get the tiniest bump to production.

>“On each floor we can breed 1,270 pigs,” says Yuanfei Gao, vice-president of Yangxiang, the company that built the farm. “But in the future with the design of the new buildings we plan to have 1,300 pigs per floor.”


_SpaceTimeContinuum t1_iudabx1 wrote

>there's no reason to make that indoor space a tall multistory building

Yeah there is. Efficiency. We have a limited amount of land. We have a growing population. You can farm a lot more acres in a multi story building.