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Ivanthegorilla t1_iud6cdi wrote

why not just help china take over northern india since india wants to help russia?! seems like a good deal to me...


SaffronBanditAmt t1_iudifva wrote

Redditors' try not to shove Ukraine and Russia into literally every topic on the planet challenge (impossible)

Seriously, it seems like 90% of Reddit lives in Donbas tf


Ivanthegorilla t1_iudj09l wrote

nope most the world supports Ukraine understandably, unlike India, China, Iran and Russia turning into outcasts the world needs to adapt around


SaffronBanditAmt t1_iudjekm wrote

>nope most the world supports Ukraine understandably

You know what's not understandable, how most of Europe doesn't support Armenia and keeps funding Azerbaijani blood gas. There's an inconvenient truth for you to think about. Or not, because it goes against your narrative.


Ivanthegorilla t1_iudjngz wrote

Xi currently as of september supports Modi while occupying Ladakh and surrounding india with ccp arent really worth arguing with anymore really


TerryWogansBum t1_iuhyr7j wrote

Most of the world supports Ukraine but ignores Yemen because the GOOD GUYS US and UK are actively involved in that ongoing genocide. Most of the world is very selective on what atrocoties it gives a shit about. Most of the world plays pretend on morals.


Whole_Philosophy3237 t1_iud8eum wrote

That north India itself contains more than 700 million people spread across plains, deserts, hills , protected by mighty himalayas in north and also indian nuclear capability.


Ivanthegorilla t1_iud9lg6 wrote

China already occupies Indian territory smart guy and debt trapped several countries around india which = CCP military stationing...just shows how bright they are to work with russia, CCP's primary ally an indian news source


CRimson9943 t1_iudf1zn wrote

That's why we are using America against China and Russia needs to be neutral


navneet2131 t1_iue3klp wrote

Let me get this straight. You want the US to help China to invade India because India (among many European countries) is buying oil from a country which is presently invading it's neighboring country?

Do you even know how crazy that sounds? Why not just attack Russia and cut the middleman? Oh wait you can't because nobody wants another world war.

Do you genuinely feed bad about a country getting invaded because similar attacks are happening in the middle east but the US is still buying oil from there. Otherwise, you are just a racist guy who doesn't care what happens to people with brown skin


Ivanthegorilla t1_iuel1ca wrote

well if you want to help Russians kill and enslave Ukrainians then they must be racist...I never mentioned race you mentioning racism just shows you have no real arguments


TerryWogansBum t1_iuhzngf wrote

The other user meant that if you only care about Ukraine being invaded and not the million or so brown countries the US is consistently massacring then there might be an underlying reason.


BruhBorne69 t1_iug7mf3 wrote

So beacuse Indian government in your mind wants to help Russia you want to help China take over northern India in which the war and the occupation would kill more people than the entire population of Ukraine and affect hundreds of millions of lives.

The level of stupidity and hypocrisy is astonishing.


Ivanthegorilla t1_iui8rss wrote

if someone supports terrorism why support them?


BruhBorne69 t1_iui9il4 wrote

> if someone supports terrorism

That's literally every major world power in existence but let's not go there and just read your own comment again you are literally in favour of supporting terrorists take over northern India regardless of how much deaths and slavery it would lead to, way to be a hypocrite.


Ivanthegorilla t1_iuia16p wrote

gotcha you like slavery and genocide and rape okay I got the message


BruhBorne69 t1_iuiagwm wrote

My god! Do you have any reading comprehension or are you just trolling. I never said I am supporting slavery, rape or genocide you are the one who's doing it

> why not just help china take over northern india since india wants to help russia?! seems like a good deal to me...

Again read your own comment mate


Ivanthegorilla t1_iuib3nr wrote

ya like is wanting to attract like sometimes russia destroying ukraine only okay cuz india is getting cheap gas? Maybe if china gives something cheap the world should turn a blind eye as they push further into india


BruhBorne69 t1_iuiea7s wrote

> Maybe if china gives something cheap the world should turn a blind eye as they push further into india

The world should do something, it's immoral to do nothing and let innocents get hurt right but the world still won't do anything, China already gives you all the cheap things it is a manufacturing hub the west won't dare to sanction them same way as Russia. USA would care to an extent and give India weapons but only because China threatens their position as the top dog other than that India will have fend for itself as it has been doing for the past 75 years. Like it or not countries work in the intrest of their people not morals.


Ivanthegorilla t1_iuilrh0 wrote

I know Biden loves ccp slave made solar panels maybe that would be a good trade for a blind eye


BruhBorne69 t1_iuimghz wrote

I mean India doesn't have a white population so yeah easy to turn a blind eye towards them.


No-Care-4354 t1_iudaytg wrote

That is a dumb deal, why US help a country that openly challenges the US hegemony especially when the said country is glorify communism and control over the Indo-pacific

America literally bombed countries because of their PTSD on communism,

I don't know what kind of dumb bias u have against your India to believe to partner up with China who also is a Russian ally, by the way, is a better idea.


Ivanthegorilla t1_iudcutw wrote

I dont know what dumb bias india has to help Russia invade Ukraine


No-Care-4354 t1_iudczfm wrote

India did not ask Russia to Invade Ukraine,


Ivanthegorilla t1_iuddwzp wrote

Giving Russia money and buying Russian goods IS supporting Russia invading Ukraine


bobs_and_vegana17 t1_iudv21x wrote

giving azerbaijan money and buying azeri gas is supporting azerbaijan's invasion of armenia

giving saudi money and buying saudi oil is supporting saudi's genocide in yemen

giving qatar money and buying qatari goods is supporting terrorist groups in south asia

giving america money and buying american products is supporting american destabilization in middle east and north africa


No-Care-4354 t1_iude6w2 wrote

If that's the case didn't Europe and china contribute the most to Russia


Ivanthegorilla t1_iudefdb wrote

Europe and US are backing out, you are obviously well informed....sadly Germany is giving ccp access to their ports so that's not gonna go well


No-Care-4354 t1_iudekwy wrote

So what is the logic of helping china against India lol


Ivanthegorilla t1_iudg3nn wrote

might as well, alliances are very cloudy and confusing at this point.... china is the biggest threat to the world, as is Russia having the worlds largest nuclear arsenal is the present largest threat as well as they become more desperate. might as well just let them take over neighbors that dont play ball fighting Russia, and keep defending taiwan , Japan and mant others from the ccp...India is now shaking hands with the CCP while being occupied by them. So why protect them from eachother.


No-Care-4354 t1_iudiirw wrote

>might as well, alliances are very cloudy and confusing at this point.... china is the biggest threat to the world, as is Russia having the world's largest nuclear arsenal is the present largest threat as well

You know that makes America a world threat right

>India is now shaking hands with the CCP while being occupied by them. So why protect them from each other?

It seems that you're poorly uninformed


Fun_Border3913 t1_iudn32a wrote

Giving china money and buying Chinese goods Is supporting China killing uyghur muslims


Ivanthegorilla t1_iuelfas wrote

US at least is sanctioning the CCP India is doubling down investing in Russia while they attack and enslave people


TerryWogansBum t1_iui0a3g wrote

The US actively engaged in genocide in Yemen over the last decade to help their buds the Sauds. Sick and fucking tired of burgers acting indignant about this shit when they are the biggest, bloodthirsty, monstrous cunts that have the nerve to act like moral arbiters. It's fucking disgusting