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Arkane-Light t1_iu98t0b wrote

Predictable as always Russian Terrorist Regime...

24.5.2022: Satellite images show Russian ships loading stolen Ukrainian grain in Crimea

23.7.2022: Russian missiles hit Ukraine's Black Sea port of Odessa just hours after Moscow and Kyiv signed deals supervised by the UN to allow grain exports to resume.

Today 29.10.2022: Russia suspends participation in deal on Ukrainian grain exports.

And people still think we can deal diplomatically with Putin's Terrorist Regime...


CapeTownMassive t1_iu9fkhd wrote

Yep, as if they’ve been letting shops thru anyway. “175 ships had been stalled by Russia awaiting grain.”


cnytyo t1_iu9vfue wrote

8 millions tonnes of grain was transported so far?


FredTheLynx t1_iu97py8 wrote

And some Idiot Russian politician calling the attack of Sevastopol a "Declaration of War" in 3, 2, 1....


HermitKane t1_iu9alac wrote

Russia is trying to create a global Holodomor.


bloudy t1_iu9m07y wrote

Wow I have never heard of this. Thanks for the info.


EdithDich t1_iuaqjvv wrote

Seriously? Not trying to be rude, just genuinely surprised.


Unicycldev t1_iuevmbm wrote

I’ve also never heard this term used in any media, history class, or anywhere else until this post.


Bitter_Coach_8138 t1_iu9908z wrote

This is a big deal, food prices are already insane


DarrenEdwards t1_iu9bejx wrote

This food was staving off starvation and propping up Ukraine's economy. They were given time to ship grain out and with delays that Russian attacks have made they were only at 1/3 shipped in the short window it was allowed.


randomlygeneratedpw t1_iua5z5i wrote

Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria need to step up and use their navies to escort merchant shipping to and from Odesa.


Spajk t1_iuebd5s wrote

And when a torpedo or a mine hits the escorted ship, what then?


peter-doubt t1_iu97szg wrote

But of course.. it serves Russia more to hold poor countries hostage.


m1cr05t4t3 t1_iu9fby3 wrote

When your own government (understandably) won't let you nuke your 'own' backyard you starve the world instead... then the people will love you again..


soyelprieton t1_iu9r9sf wrote

those starved countries shouldnt be importing their food and ukranians should make more babies instead of selling food


m1cr05t4t3 t1_iu9rnlt wrote

All do respect, but if it's easy to grow grain in one part of the world why would you not sell the excess? And if can't grow grain for as cheap (or at all) why would you not import it? That's how a global community works..


lilikionwheels t1_iu9zrs4 wrote

They starved Ukraine in the 30s, that's what they're going to try again.


randomlygeneratedpw t1_iua68os wrote

Ukraine is not going to starve. North Africa and the Middle East are going to starve. Russia's goal is to create a humanitarian disaster to get countries to pressure Ukraine to surrender.


jakesonwu t1_iuams42 wrote

Who else is threatening grain exports besides Russia ?


TheSJDRising t1_iud5dst wrote

Time to sink the rest of the black sea fleet then. That way the problem goes away.


Aldarund t1_iuarnxi wrote

Export of grain was half of whole Ukraine income in last monthes