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estoka t1_iucsmp2 wrote

What a stupid idea. We don't even build new nuclear power plants here. France has far better nuclear power production technology.

Edit: I worked in nuclear power, and we were constantly taught that the French commercial power reactors were far more advanced than ours. This was allegedly because the environmental movement in the US cratered investment/advances in nuclear power for the past 40 years.

We also didn't build a new commercial reactor from 1978-2013.

So, if you're down voting this, please chime in with your reasoning. I'm fully aware of the delays on the current French project, but my understanding is it's also one of the first installs of that model.


CinnamonBlue t1_iuczcfc wrote

Or China, which has French nuclear power technology and would have built it cheaper using thousands of Chinese workers. (Not saying Poland should, but… you know…)
