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Stye88 t1_iudobq6 wrote

Japan would be a nice choice too, but the logistics probably would be an issue. Germany/France are out of question for national security, which is more important than cost of potential price difference.


nick1812216 t1_iudpb7k wrote

I understand there are many instances in the past pf France and prussia and germany invading and partitioning and betraying poland, but now with poland in the EU and NATO, Poland is doubly allied with France and Germany. Why is it still a security concern to partner with them in building a nuclear reactor?


Stye88 t1_iudubdg wrote

Let's imagine a situation Ukraine is facing where Russia is bombing electric plants. If France/Germany built it and say controlled its operation, Poland could suddenly hear they're shutting it off for security, blacking out the country in the middle of a war. The decision making of strategic assets must lay exclusively in the country possessing them, or be built by a country without an interest in which conditions it's being used. That's only one example, multiple more security concerns are there as well.