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CheMGeo_136 t1_itb9h0r wrote

Who would've guessed that nuclear blackmail makes people treat you like a criminal.


horazal t1_itb9y5g wrote

This fucking Russians are being condemned by the international community and act as if they are shocked that they are getting isolated by the international community. It really is hard to comprehend the thought process of this state sponsor of terrorism.


soulhot t1_itbav4d wrote

But didn’t you know Russians have a god given right to do as they please because they are superior to other people. That’s why there is no such thing as a Russian war crime as they are just doing what they need to be done. It’s built into their national psyche.


I_try_to_be_polite t1_itbbt1e wrote

Your comment makes it seem like Russia and us has this in common.


Ashen_Brad t1_itbe045 wrote

The US has had this in common at times however, unlike post soviet Russia, the US is a changing beast and has the ability to learn.


musedmb715 t1_itc3yga wrote

also people in the united states can face at least a modicum of backlash for their behavior.....whereas the elite in russia perpetuating these ideas are never even confrontented

at least george w had a show thrown at him and is disliked and distrusted by americans of all polotical affilitions

also the united statess is actually a world power....whereas russia is a nation beating it's chest and kicking children trying to prove how strong they are lolol


bluep0pcorn t1_itbgks9 wrote

I mean Russia is horrible and I support the Ukraine. Having said that Russia being surprised that the international community is condeming them is pretty logical.

I mean the USA literally lied to its own country and allies about the war in Iraq and that seems to be all but forgotten. But you can't even bring that up without being massively downvoted.


musedmb715 t1_itc4e5k wrote

george bush is a laughingstock and dick cheney hS been considered evil in the states for a while now

whereas putin still has power all these years later

sometimes i can't tell if people who can't see a difference are some combination of cynical and ignorant, or are just trolls.

also no one in the world was making an argument that iraq was a working quality government who was friends with the world - as much of the world feels about ukraine

if you were surprised, you are either a victim of russian propaganda or insanely ignorant to the world


Chumy_Cho t1_itb7o0w wrote

Delegates most probably did not pass security checks n can’t be trusted


Cargo_200 t1_itbe34o wrote

I think russia blocked its own participation by acting like a dickhead for quite some time.


fack0 t1_itb7auy wrote

>The Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said on Friday that the United States had effectively blocked Russia's participation in a nuclear energy conference in Washington by failing to issue entry visas.

No vatniks allowed. The moose out front shoulda told ya


negrocrazy t1_itbyd6l wrote

Wahh wahh russian victim of the evil west again 😪 what have they done to deserve so much hate ?? /s


Neue_Ziel t1_itcrjed wrote

I imagine this set to the meme of Mac and Charlie fake crying.


hunisher1 t1_itc3q31 wrote

… pariah, pariah, PARIAH, PARIAH, PARIAH, PARIAH. blackball em baby that’s how it’s done!


DarkIegend16 t1_itc8t0x wrote

Well when you use nukes as a method to get what you want rather than as a strategical defensive deterrent then it’s no wonder people aren’t going to think you’re responsible enough to engage in nuclear diplomacy.

Russia wants to have their cake and eat it too, they clearly didn’t think their actions would have consequences.


FutureImminent t1_iteqscw wrote

I like when the US bullies Russia on the international stage. They should do it more often. Those assholes deserve it.


Juandelpan t1_itcchbk wrote

Typical, now playing victim


Scottcmms1954 t1_itesp47 wrote

Russia can go sit at the children’s table till it grows the f up.


[deleted] t1_itcn9ej wrote

>Rosatom said that its director general, Alexei Likhachev, would take part via video link.

If it's good enough for him it's good enough for the rest of the ruzzian delegation. We don't need any more of your FSB here.


not-read-gud t1_iteij11 wrote

I like how the article image unlocked the Sharingan