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Darkmetroidz t1_iy9ttgm wrote

We're fighting Russia with American dollars instead of American lives.

It will probably stay that way unless the conflict goes nuclear.


oregon_assassin t1_iyai9se wrote

Can we get some European money in the pot?


lolomfgkthxbai t1_iyannsz wrote

Working on it:

> European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that the EU is set to provide Ukraine with up to €18 billion in financial assistance throughout 2023 to cover the basic budgetary needs of the war-torn country.

> "It is very important for Ukraine to have a predictable and stable flow of income," von der Leyen said at the end of two-day meeting of EU leaders in Brussels.


oregon_assassin t1_iyanz2o wrote

18 billion honestly seems low I think we granted like 40 billion not that long ago


lolomfgkthxbai t1_iyaoe8q wrote

It’s difficult to push things through at the EU level, countries like Hungary have veto power. Member states are also giving direct support in form of money and weapons.


Krabbypatty_thief t1_iybd708 wrote

Not only that, its actually cheaper than using american lives too. About 200 million dollars per day cheaper