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derkrieger t1_iydwzou wrote

De facto if every EU member except hungarh agreed to the rule nobody would be upset except hungary which tough titties if they already want them out. Any rule is valid if the rest are unanimous on it.


SmileHappyFriend t1_iydybjg wrote

Well if you want to violate the framework of the EU, sure. There is no mechanism to kick out a member of the EU.


derkrieger t1_iyefzli wrote

Right...unless every other member agrees sans Hungary then they can add that rule. The framework is built on trust and as long as all parties are in agreement the trust remains. If every party wants Hungary gone then Hungary's opinion is moot. If at least one other member were to object though then they would be stuck or risk breaching the trust between member states.


SmileHappyFriend t1_iyek4ap wrote

>The framework is built on trust and as long as all parties are in agreement the trust remains

Right so you are still violating the EU treaties and framework then. What about the next time there is a country that opposes what the rest of the other member nations want? Do they get overridden as well?

What happens when member nations realise the veto is useless?