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imrussellcrowe OP t1_iwuzn1e wrote

From the article:

>Tuvalu will be the first country to replicate itself in the metaverse but follows both the city of Seoul and the island nation of Barbados which last year said they would enter the metaverse to provide administrative and consular services, respectively.
Up to 40 per cent of the capital district is underwater at high tide, and the entire country is forecast to be underwater by the end of the century.
Kofe said he hoped that the creation of a digital nation would allow Tuvalu to continue to function as a state even if it becomes completely submerged.
This is important as the government begins efforts to ensure that Tuvalu continues to be recognised internationally as a state and its maritime boundaries - and the resources within those waters - are maintained even if the islands are submerged.
Kofe said that seven governments have agreed to continual recognition, but there were challenges if Tuvalu goes under as it is a new area of international law.


Tasty01 t1_iwvazzo wrote

Choosing Metaverse to do this instead of something reliable like Unreal Engine is an especially bad call for preservation.

Also when they go completely under they should lose country status and become a company.


Anonynja t1_iwvxy7f wrote

FYI, metaverses are a whole tech concept. It's corporate arrogance that led Zuckerberg to claim the word as his property. There are many metaverse applications.


lolpostslol t1_iwxrpl1 wrote

TBF we don’t know if ANY of the existing metaverses will still be there when Tuvalu is fully gone in ~80 years… everyone might have their own private metaverses by then


jellybon t1_iwvck3h wrote

>Choosing Metaverse to do this instead of something reliable like Unreal Engine is an especially bad call for preservation.

That's not necessarily what they are doing, they could be referring to the generic concept of "metaverse" and going in similar direction as Singapore Digital Twin which replicates the country as a digital entity.


Taxington t1_iwvybby wrote

>Also when they go completely under they should lose country status and become a company.

There is precedent for a county continuing without territory. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is still around.

Also unlikely they lose every inch of land. Even if they have to go the Sealand route. The martine claims have value.


cchiu23 t1_iwwb891 wrote

Doesn't work that way


Taxington t1_iwx2s5z wrote

The sovereign order of the knights of malta is a real thing that exists.

They have diplomatic relations issue passports ect ect.


cchiu23 t1_iwx4rzc wrote

Sure, but they own zero territory


Taxington t1_iwylege wrote

Yes that's the point.


cchiu23 t1_iwylhcc wrote

The OP was talking about tuvalu still having maritime territory without land

The knights of malta don't control the coasts of malta


Taxington t1_iwypp1c wrote

They only need to keep a token population in place to keep the maritime claim alive. A thing the knights could not do.

So long as someone lives there permanently it counts as an island. They don't need their 11k people in place.


cchiu23 t1_iwyr84j wrote

Not if its completely submerged


WekX t1_iwygqts wrote

Lose country status why? Because everyone else flooded their home? If the Knights Hospitaller can be a sovereign order without land then so can Tuvalu.


staebles t1_iwv88lf wrote

Imagine wanting to burn fossil fuel so much you cause this.