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my20cworth t1_iy8buv3 wrote

Russia is lowering its self to mafia terrorist state status.


jagnew78 t1_iy97onk wrote

if you want to read some cool stuff about how blazenly open it is google Ken Rowe Russian Mafia. You'll read a story of a business man in Canada who invested millions of dollars into a Russian hotel to turn it into a destination spot only to have the russian mafia (supported by Vladimir Putin) walk into the hotel one day with armed men and just declare that they now owned the hotel.

He never got control of the hotel back but when a Russian Oligarch landed his private jet in Canada on a stop over Ken Rowe used his business contacts in the government to have the jet held at the airport until the Russian government agreed to give him his money back.

It's probably the only documented time someone beat the oligarchs and wasn't killed.


Maple-Sizzurp t1_iya0v5t wrote

Keep in mind Mr.Rowe is a literal billionaire.


jagnew78 t1_iya1raz wrote

He is a nice guy though. Got to meet him a few times before he retired


Working_Welder155 t1_iy8ncre wrote

They've been there for a while as a kleptocracy


my20cworth t1_iya26tv wrote

I know it's been like this and not a new thing. But recently it is getting in your face obvious to almost officially be acceptable, in even the political realm to formally recognise Russia in this manner.


somewhatfriendlyuser t1_iy9t0ip wrote

They have ALWAYS been like this

This isn't anything new.

Ya'll just never cared to pay attention.


my20cworth t1_iya0aza wrote

What is Ya'll. Do you mean "you all" and who is you all. And how do you know that I or us have "never cared to pay attention".


joandidioff t1_iybcd4n wrote

Here you go, dullard. Also, learn to punctuate.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iybceha wrote


>Y'all (pronounced yawl) is a contraction of you and all, sometimes combined as you-all. Y'all is the main second-person plural pronoun in Southern American English, with which it is most frequently associated, though it also appears in some other English varieties, including African-American English and South African Indian English. It is usually used as a plural second-person pronoun, but whether it is exclusively plural is a perennial subject of discussion.

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Christylian t1_iycnjsx wrote

As a British person who laments the lack of a clear second-person plural pronoun in the English language, I find y'all to be the most adequate thing to use. It still feels foreign to say though. Having both singular and plural pronouns be "you" is stupid, especially when other romance languages have solved this problem millennia ago.

In an unrelated note, you come across as an unrepentantly annoying pedant just from those short sentences.


Blackthorne75 t1_iycbfgg wrote

It was always at that point; they're just reaffirming it for us, just in case anyone started thinking otherwise.