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Heres_your_sign t1_ixoy3yq wrote

When you start fucking with critical drive systems on a pay-to-play basis there's going to be a mistake made and someone will die as a result.

If we had anything that looked like meaningful corporate regulation this would be illegal.


NiceHaas t1_ixp46m2 wrote

Car companies will take the risk when they make more money than they have to pay out to the victims family. GM was guilty of this a few years ago


Pons__Aelius t1_ixpcpxc wrote


A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


kissabirdgently t1_ixppjhm wrote

It’s just ecu flash or code injection to turn on disabled map. Not as complicated as you would wonder.

Unlocking blocked mapping should be way safer than a custom tune by a shop.