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HDSpiele t1_ixpnwp9 wrote

Hot take but people who use the pedal break can not drive. Engine break is much better and more fuel efficient.


DreiImWeggla t1_ixptyu8 wrote

It causes more wear on your clutch and motor. I'd rather pay for new brakes than a new clutch or car. Sure it's necessary when going downhill, but the real mvp play is to keep enough distance and drive passively enough that you don't need pedals or motor brake. If you see a red light early, just go of the gas and let friction bring you to a stop.

Similarly I see a lot of impatient people overtaking one car at a time accelerating and braking all the time even on a motorway.


HDSpiele t1_ixpu2sy wrote

Modern clutches are made for motor breaking the motor breaking destroys you clutch is an old myth.


desertedchicken t1_ixpx7wx wrote

Back when I drove a manual, sure, engine braking was easy. But my current automatic takes a good 2-3 seconds to downshift in manual/tiptronic mode, a massive pain in the balls. So I think I'll stick to using the pedal dedicated to slowing my car down, thank you very much.


HDSpiele t1_ixq1raf wrote

Oh yea I never drove an automatic I only ever drive manuals but even so engine breaking is even more important in electric cars as they can generate a lot of electricity from engine breaking extending you millage massively but even more important is that you never fill up a electric car to the brim because if you do so engine breaking will no longer work if the battery is fully charged to avoid overcharging the battery.
