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[deleted] t1_ixrzxfz wrote

Imagine defending a genocide just to push your ideology.

You're a nazbol.


ManyOpinionsNotSane t1_ixt4wo6 wrote

I'm not at all, I am a leftist but I'm not "defending the Holodomor". Nor do I expect people to be rational about this at this current time given the fact that Ukraine is under siege from a fascist authoritarian nation. I didn't say anything in defense of the Holodomor other than *historians* don't really know if it was Stalin being a cunt, or a broader policy failure. Nowhere in the work of Marx does it say "starve the Ukrainian people." In fact, the word "violence" isn't even in his work. But that was my earlier point. "communism" can't kill people any more than "capitalism" can. Leaders are responsible for policy, regardless of the marketplace ideology they prefer. So why do we only blame the leaders under capitalism, but blame the ideology under communism? Could it be that Stalin was just not a good person?