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autotldr t1_iy6vdru wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 66%. (I'm a bot)

> JERUSALEM - Former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has struck a coalition deal with a small ultranationalist faction leader known for homophobic rhetoric and disparaging remarks about non-Orthodox Jews, a sign of the prospective government's hardline makeup.

> Netanyahu's Likud party announced Sunday that the agreement names Noam faction leader Avi Maoz as a deputy minister whose portfolio includes an office bolstering Jewish identity among Israelis.

> Netanyahu's Likud party has yet to finalize its coalition agreement with all its prospective allies and form a government.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Netanyahu^#1 faction^#2 Israeli^#3 Maoz^#4 Likud^#5


bonesrentalagency t1_iy70t51 wrote

Man how long until pro-Israel people won’t be able to use the “only safe place in the Middle East for gay people” talking point any more


Fujvgk t1_iy72bx4 wrote

Depends on when being gay is safe on other places, because israel will probably stay safe place in the middle east for at least 50 more years, and 1 man party (out of 120) joining the coalition probably won't change it.


gotBanhammered t1_iy8zn77 wrote

You actually would like gays to lose rights just to win that internet argument?


bonesrentalagency t1_iy9qkty wrote

Hmm no not really. Much more a comment on the fragility of the excuses Israel supporters use to whitewash the right wing state. “Safest place in the Middle East for gays” is an incredibly fragile justification for a violent colonial state, and this move demonstrates that fragility.


sampjennings t1_iy6u7w2 wrote

Gay marriage isn't even legal in Israel so I'm not sure why anyone would be shocked
