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TheTelegraph OP t1_ixy7adm wrote

From The Telegraph's reporters:
Some of the Snake Island soldiers who famously stared down death by telling a Russian warship to "go f--- Yourself’ have been freed in a prisoner swap.
"Another exchange of prisoners," said Andrey Yirmak, head of president Zelensky’s office, said.
"We managed to free 12 of our people. The soldiers who defended, in particular, Mariupol, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and the Snake Island are going home."
In footage posted online, about a dozen soldiers can be seen walking towards a white van and what appear to be military vehicles waiting for them. Their location is not clear.
The Snake Island soldiers became symbols of heroism and resistance soon into the war after they refused to surrender to threats from the Moskva warship.
When the airwaves from the strategic island outpost in the Black Sea later fell silent, they were presumed killed. It later emerged, however, the 8 border guards, 50 soldiers and two handymen had survived and were being held as prisoners of war. Some were later released in a prisoner swap in April.
Moscow and Kyiv have carried a series of prisoner of war swaps lately, with both sides handing over 50 POWs on Thursday.
Reacting to Saturday's news, one Ukraine resident said on Twitter: "God bless our heroes! Thanks to everyone who brings them home!"
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