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shlam16 t1_ixxojg3 wrote

Relations with Germany post-WW2 and Russia post Cold War resumed very quickly (at least compared to "a few generations"). Will be no different here when Russia inevitably collapses and grovels.


thekarmabum t1_ixxwbou wrote

Both events were caused by significant regime changes. I don't see Germany going through that anytime soon, Russia is a maybe, depends on who goes up the food chain after Putin. Those were two wars that had fairly clear endings, even though the cold war was never officially a war.


butterhoscotch t1_ixy9lkz wrote

The problem with regime change in any country, including the us is its NEVER one guy. Sure putins a problem, but hes supported by a corrupt regime and some people are definitely profiting or being kept powerful by the corruption.

Same as the us, we have wildly corrupt politicians supported by a broken government. It would take a fully revolution to uproot the deeply entrenched wealthy corrupt and republicans.


0x6F1 t1_ixy4hvq wrote

I don’t think Russia likes grovelling. They have a weird and undeserved superiority complex and a huge propensity for lying but I don’t see much grovelling or apologising.


TROPtastic t1_ixy7zlf wrote

Germany had many of its Nazi leaders tried and executed for war crimes, and the rest fled the country to various safe havens in LATAM. Germany as a society also took full blame for their actions, which I don't see Russians doing without a German-style loss and occupation.


daniel_22sss t1_iy0d9er wrote

Germany had to completely change and all of the nazi leaders were killed. And even at the height of Cold War, USSR relationships with the West were still better than now. Now russians are being seen as new nazis, and there is little hope, that their genocidal imperialistic mentality will change anytime soon.