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bob_fakename t1_iydusvs wrote

The fact that air defense zones are pretty meaningless aside, doesn't Russia have enough on their plate without reaching for more?


Ceratisa t1_iyduy36 wrote

Good way to remind Korea that it shouldn't trust those two if a conflict erupts


LilSpermCould t1_iydzacf wrote

Context matters though. You defend your territorial integrity or you lose that space as a means of protection during the event you actually are attacked.

Korea would be in violation of international laws should they shoot down one of these planes. They can engage them and escort them out.

These days it does seem considerably more risky to fly through Russia and China's air defense zones. The Chinese are furious with America's navy for basically doing the same thing but in the ocean.


Rapiz t1_iye22ql wrote

Enemy warplanes crossing the real border would imply war.

The defence zone is the last line before real shit.

They are definitely not meaningless.


fgk55555 t1_iye38yy wrote

South Korean military hardware has been finding it's way to Eastern Europe. This is a great way for Russia and China to make sure those new military partnerships solidify.


whhe11 t1_iye5ifg wrote

Yeah, but in all fairness Taiwan air defense identification zone extends over a fair chunk of the Chinese mainland. It's different when the Chinese are live fire drilling with missiles landing right outside of Taiwans territorial waters tho.


EauDeUpdog t1_iye96is wrote

Be like Turkey and just shoot it down. Russia at least stops avoiding airspace this way.


phormix t1_iyeeft6 wrote

I'd imagine there might be overlaps between countries like Canada/USA/Mexico etc. So if group of bombers/fighters is seen on the Canadian side but clearly on a heading towards the US unannounced... it might still be a concern. That is especially if there was a less trusting relationship between the two countries and Canadian bombers weren't otherwise known as geese...


YeetedApple t1_iyefdkw wrote

While true that it does extend over parts of china, that is never the part that is flown over. Most flights are coming from over water in northeast and southeast towards the island and are clearly aggressive, not just flying over their mainland.


YeetedApple t1_iyefh7d wrote

While true that it does extend over parts of china, that is never the part that is flown over. Most flights are coming from over water in northeast and southeast towards the island and are clearly aggressive, not just flying over their mainland.


feeltheslipstream t1_iyeleaj wrote

Adz is self declared and has no legal bearing.

Ita International airspace. You can't complain about planes flying in international airspace as aggressive while at the same time saying ships have right of passage through the heavily contested South China Sea.


YeetedApple t1_iyep03k wrote

Are you saying china flying military aircraft directly towards a nation they regularly threaten to invade, with the intent to force a response, is not aggressive? Sure the US is acting in its own self interest, but acting like they are equivalent here is ridiculous. I absolutely can complain about a country threatening an invasion while at the same time saying those threats should be contested.


BTWImChloe t1_iyeqb04 wrote

Repost of a repost. Nobody cares about ADIZ incursions


BadSkeelz t1_iyeu13n wrote

China is South Korea's biggest trading partner. It's very easy to follow the money and forget just who you're dealing with until it's too late.


DistortedShadow t1_iyeuv7z wrote

A Hind-D? Whats a Russian gunship doing there?


kishiki18_91 t1_iyev28x wrote

South koreans are pretty laid back in terms of war, Seoul people are naive when it comes to war they didn't think N.korea will attack them anytime. Their bomb shelters are just normal infrastructure they have an app for it.


feeltheslipstream t1_iyeyv71 wrote

I'm saying that if you classify flights in international airspace as aggressive, don't scoff when others say sailing through international waters are aggressive.

Pick a standard and stick to it.


amish_guy t1_iyf12jd wrote

>The planes did not violate South Korea's airspace, it said.

read the article, this is a non-starter


AnyProgressIsGood t1_iyf38ld wrote

might as well shoot down the russian ones. what are they gonna do? invade ? lol


DGlen t1_iyf3unc wrote

You would think they wouldn't be trying to swing that angry inch around at the moment. Putin just whipped it out and we all saw it was half the size they were bragging about.


MagicSPA t1_iyf3w2f wrote

One of these days someone is going to shoot down one of those intruding aircraft we keep hearing about, and I'm not going to blame them.


Stilgar314 t1_iyf5f1t wrote

I know this times invite to freak out, by this things happens constantly and every nation with an decent army do it. A country sends a random military thing in route to a neighbour, which sends something to intercept heading, the response time gets timed and the military thing backs home.


YeetedApple t1_iyf8nvs wrote

"flights in international airspace" was never the standard, and is a terrible attempt to remove all context from the situation. If you want to say sailing through international waters is aggressive, is every ship everywhere aggressive then? If not, how do you decide which ships are aggressive or not?


Golmar_gaming227 t1_iyfcc9t wrote

South Koreans never even considered war a massive threat since North Korea always tries to intimidate the South, but they never do anything that would start an all-out conflict (and probably never will) and also people got used to threats of war thats why South Koreans behave quite alarmingly on outsiders pov.